Holy Cross Mathematics and Computer Science
MATH 134 -- Calculus With Fundamentals 2, Spring 2018
Syllabus and Schedule
Videos, Examples, Class Notes, Etc.
- Solutions for Problem Set 1, part B
- Solutions for Problem Set 2, part B
- Solutions for Midterm Exam 1, given February 16
- Solutions for Problem Set 3, part B
- Solutions for Problem Set 4, part B
- Solutions for Midterm Exam 2, given March 16
- Solutions for Problem Set 5, part B
- Solutions for Problem Set 6, part B
- Solutions for Midterm Exam 3, given April 13
- Solutions for Problem Set 7, part B
- Solutions for Problem Set 8, part B
- Solutions for Midterm Exam 4, given May 4
- Solutions for Final Exam, given May 10.
- Information about getting access to the
WebAssign online homework system. (WebAssign for this course will be available for sign-up starting August 30.)
- The WebAssign class key for this section is: holycross 4757 3108 (the holycross is all lower case, no space)
- Problem Set 1 -- Due: Friday, February 2
- Part A in WebAssign
- Part B: Section 5.1/26,27,64; Section 5.2/82; Extra Credit: Section 5.2/86 (Hint: Draw
the area that would be computed by the integral and split it into two non-overlapping
pieces. The areas of those pieces should be the two terms on the right of the equation.)
- Problem Set 2 -- Due: Friday, February 9
- Part A in WebAssign
- Part B: Section 5.5/44,45; Section 5.4/10,12,62
- Problem Set 3 -- Due: Friday, February 23
- Part A in WebAssign
- Part B: Section 5.7/109; Section 6.1/19 (Hint: subdivide the region);
Section 6.3/12, 58.
- Problem Set 4 -- Due: Friday, March 2
- Part A in WebAssign
- Part B: Section 6.4/42,44,46; Section 7.1/88 (Hint: read the problem carefully -- it's
not hard if you just do what the authors tell you to do);
- Problem Set 5 -- Due: Friday, March 23
- Part A in WebAssign (Note: There are not many problems this time, but they are all long and "tricky/picky"
about numerical coefficients, etc. I have given everyone five tries rather than the usual three tries
this time)
- Part B: Section 7.2/63,65,79; Section 7.3/34,36.
- Problem Set 6 -- Due: Friday, April 6
- Part A in WebAssign (Note: I have again given everyone five tries on each problem)
- Part B: Section 7.5/59,61,62; Section 7.6/34.
- Problem Set 7 -- Due: Friday, April 20
- Part A in WebAssign (Note: This one has three tries per problem again. Plan
your work accordingly!)
- Part B: Section 7.8/2, 20, 21 (but on 20 and 21, change the instructions to say ``use the table of standard normal curve areas distributed in class'' instead of ``integrate numerically'');
Section 4.5/47; Section 5.9/54. Here's another copy:
Table of normal curve areas
- Problem Set 8 -- Due: Friday, April 27
- Part A in WebAssign (Note: This one has three tries per problem again. Plan
your work accordingly!)
- Part B: Section 9.2/17 parts b and c (Note: part a is essentially the definition of "paying back continuously" so you should just use that differential equation. What is going on here is that you have
to imagine small amounts of money being taken out of Sam's bank account as the payments all the time,
rather than him sending in monthly payments as we discussed in class.), 18. Section 10.2/51 (Hint:
to understand what is going on, add up the remaining portions of all the doses left in the
bloodstream on the Nth day, and note that you have a finite geometric series. Then
think what happens as N -> infinity.
- Exam 4 is coming up on Friday, May 4 -- review sheet;
- Our Final Exam will be given at 8:00am on Thursday, May 10 in Swords 302 (our usual room).
To help you prepare:
- Final exam review sheet and sample questions
- Solutions for the final exam review questions
- From previous exams:
- Tori Zamarra, our TA, will be holding a review session for the final Wednesday, May 9 at
8:00pm in Swords 359.
Related Links and Other Information
- Algebra review materials
(from a different calculus textbook, but relevant for us too!).
- Bloom's taxonomy of thinking skills
- Biographical information on Isaac
- Biographical information on Gottfried
- Note: The Greek phrase appearing next to the heading of this page is one traditional rendering of
the reported inscription over the entrance to Plato's Academy in Athens
(founded about 387 BCE). It means (roughly) Let no one ignorant of geometry enter.
This is a reflection of the foundational role of geometry in Plato's ideas about knowledge and education.
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Last modified: June 28, 2018