Section 08, MWF 1:00 - 1:50 Section 09, MWF 2:00 - 2:50 Smith Labs 155 FALL 2017 |
How to succeed in this course: |
Professor Gareth Roberts
Office: Haberlin 305
Phone: 508-793-2350
groberts AT holycross DOT edu
My Office Hours:
Mon. 10:30 - 12, Tues., 2 - 3, Wed. 11 - 12, Thurs. 10 - 11, or by appointment.
(See my teaching
schedule for other available times.)
Ryan Ferraro's Office Hours:
Mon. 9 - 10 pm, Tue. 4 - 5
in Swords 3rd floor student lounge (Swords 307/312)
Section 08 Class Photo (serious)
Section 08 Class Photo (goofy)
Section 09 Class Photo (serious)
Section 09 Class Photo (goofy)
Important Information (PDF Files)
Handouts (PDF Files)
(All assignments due at the START of class)
Final Exam Review Session: Monday, Dec. 11, 3:00 - 4:30 pm, Smith Labs 154 (led by me)
Useful and Fun Links
Any items in PDF format can be read through Adobe Acrobat Reader.
If you do not have this
program, or have an earlier version, you can download
Acrobat Reader at no cost.
Section 09, Wed., Dec. 13, 3:00 - 5:30 pm