Section 09 (2pm): Wednesday, Dec. 13, 3:00 - 5:30 pm, Smith Labs 155
The final exam is CUMULATIVE, that is, it covers all the material from the first
day of class onwards. Specifically, this is Chapters 1 through 4, excluding sections
1.7, 2.9, and 4.8. Approximately 25% will cover material from Sections 4.3 through 4.7.
You should go over homework problems, in-class worksheets, the midterm exams, and your class notes.
Many of the problems and questions we discuss in class are excellent examples of test questions.
The solutions to your WebAssign problems on any homework can be seen by clicking "View Key"
near the top of each assignment. You can also click on "Practice Another Version" to redo certain homework
Click here
for some sample final exam questions (PDF File).
I have also listed some sample problems from the Chapter 4 Review below (intended to cover Sections 4.4 - 4.7).
The odd answers are in the back of the book while the evens are
listed here. For other questions, see the previous exam review sheets:
Exam 1,
Exam 2,
Exam 3.
Note that some sections are poorly covered by the problems in the Chapter Review Exercises.
The exam will be designed to take two hours (twice the length
of a midterm) although you will have the full 2.5 hours to complete the exam.
Final Exam Review Session: Monday, Dec. 11, 3:00 - 4:30 pm in Smith Labs 154. I will
be conducting the review session.
Note: You will be allowed a scientific calculator for the exam which does NOT have graphing capabilities nor the ability to do symbolic
computation. Please bring your own "certified" calculator to the exam.
Chapter 4 Review Exercises, pp. 256 - 258
The answers to the evens are:
Click here
for some solutions to the sample final exam questions.
Please come prepared with specific questions.
Problems: 40, 41, 43, 45, 48, 49, 51, 58, 59, 66, 79, 80, 82, 83, 86
40. (a) graph (ii), (b) graph (i), (c) graph (iii)
48. The graph is shaped like an M. It has no vertical or horizontal asymptotes. It has local maxima at x = -2 and x = 2,
and a local min at x = 0. It has inflection points at x = ± 2/sqrt{3}.
58. Both the radius and height equal (4/π)^(1/3).
66. Base width is (24/5)^(1/3); height is 8*(24/5)^(-2/3).
80. -1/4
82. 1
86. 1/2 (add the fractions first, then use L'Hopital's rule twice)