Summer Mathematics and Science Institute


Workshop Participants

Course Syllabus

Slides, Handouts, and Links: Material for each day’s class

Articles on College Readiness

Available Online Math Software



Lesson Plans: 

Designed by the participants

Previous Institutes


Foundational Mathematics Concepts
for the High School to College Transition
July 9, 2012 - July 26, 2012

Dr. Cristina Ballantine, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Dr. Sharon M. Frechette, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Zachary Kenny, Holy Cross 2013

This summer professional development course offered at the College of the Holy Cross is designed for teachers of middle and high school mathematics (grades 7-12) from the Worcester Public Schools, Wachusett Regional School District, and Diocese of Worcester in conjunction with the College’s Improving Teacher Quality (ITQ) grant. It is funded by the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education

The goal of this grant is centered on promoting in teachers a deep understanding of concepts that are foundational to several topics in mathematics typically taught at the middle and secondary school levels. This course will equip teachers with the tools to encourage the kind of flexible and analytical thinking that their students will be expected to use in a college mathematics course. It will include regular structured opportunities to discuss with teachers the following topics pertinent to college readiness in mathematics: research on the cognitive skills associated with successful mathematics achievement in college, transformative pedagogies in mathematics, and expectations of students held by teachers of college mathematics.

The entire workshop is coordinated by Professor Diane Bukatko, a faculty member in Psychology and current Chair of the Education Department at Holy Cross.