Below is a list of selected publications. For a full list of publications, click here. For broad summaries of projects undertaken in the Vision Lab, see the projects page.
Hildreth, E.C. and Royden, C. S. (2011) "Integrating multiple cues to depth order at object boundaries
" Accepted for publication in
Perception and Psychophysics (in press).
Royden, C. S., *Connors, E.M. (2010) "The detection of moving objects by moving
observers." Vision Research, 50, 1014 - 1024.
Royden, C.S. and *Picone, L.J. (2007) "A physiologically based model for simultaneous
computation of heading and depth in the presence of rotations." Vision Research 47, 3025 -
Royden, C. S., *Cahill, J.M. and *Conti, D. M. (2005) "Factors affecting
curved vs. straight path heading perception." Perception and Psychophysics 68: 184 - 193.
Royden, C. S. and Conti, D. M. (2003) "A model using MT-like motion-
opponent operators explains an illusory transformation in the optic
flow field." Vision Research, 43: 2811-2826.
Royden, C. S. (2002) "Computing Heading in the Presence of Moving
Objects: A model that uses motion-opponent operators." Vision
Research, 42, 3043 - 3058.
Royden, C.S. (1997) "Mathematical analysis of motion-opponent
mechanisms used in the determination of heading and depth." Journal
of the Optical Society of America A, 109: 2128 - 2143 .
Royden, C.S. and Hildreth, E.C. (1996) "Human Heading Perception in
the presence of moving objects." Perception & Psychophysics, 58:
The work is supported by NSF grants #IBN-0196068, and #IBN-0343825.