Rachel Manley
M.S. in C.S. from State University of New York at Buffalo, 1998. E-mail: rmanley@holycross.edu
Class of 2013
Michael Pettinati (Class of 2013)
"Understanding Neural Tuning to Spiral Optic Flow Patterns."
Sean Sannicandro (Class of 2013) "Detecting Moving Objects: A Stereoscopic approach."
Class of 2012
Joshua Lopez-Travatello(Class of 2012)
"Integrating motion and stereo in the perception of moving objects. "
Daniel Parsons(Class of 2012)
"Integrating motion and stereo in the perception of moving objects. "
Class of 2010
Emily McCourt(Class of 2010)
"Analyzing Neural Responses to Optic Flow Patterns."
Class of 2009
Kathleen Moore(Class of 2009)
"Identifying moving objects by observers based on speed."
Michael Holloway(Class of 2009)
""Effect of speed and angle on detection of moving objects by
moving observers."
Class of 2008
Patrick Finn (Class of 2008)
"Identification of moving objects by moving observers."
Edwin Marte
(Class of 2008)
"The effect of speed and eccentricity on detection of a moving object by a moving observer."
Class of 2007
Matthew Moore(Class of 2007)
"A physiologically based model for detection of moving objects by a moving observer."
Class of 2006
Erin Connors(Class of 2006)
"Detection of moving objects by a moving observer." E-mail:
Robert Truxler
(Class of 2006)
"Computing heading from real images using a biologically plausible model." E-mail: rob@robgfx.com Homepage: www.robgfx.com
Class of 2005
Kathryn Mahoney
(Class of 2005)
"Detection of moving objects by a moving observer. The effect of textured flow fields."
Thomas Ziniti
(Class of 2004)
"The effect of speed tuning on a computational model of heading
perception." E-mail:
Class of 2003
Laura Picone
(Class of 2003)
"Simultaneous computation of heading and depth."
Timothy Hattori
(Class of 2003)
"Computation of translation and rotation in a biologically plausible
Daniel Conti
(Class of 2003)
"A computational model explains a visual illusion of heading perception."
"Effect of textured surfaces on heading perception." E-mail: dan@vaultdan.com
Christopher Lee
(Class of 2003)
"Effects of attention on the detection of moving objects in an optic flow
Nora Newman
(Class of 2003)
"Effect of moving objects on the computation of heading: Results using a
biologically plausible model."