Detection of moving objects by a moving observer

Below is a list of selected projects. For a full list of projects, click here. For broad summaries of projects undertaken in the Vision Lab, see the projects page.

Royden, C. S. (2011) Detecting moving objects using combined motion and stereo.
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Royden, C. S. and Holloway, M.A. The effect of object speed and angle on the perceived rigidity of an optic flow field. 

Royden, C. S. and Finn, P.F. The identification of a moving object by a moving observer.  

Royden, C. S. and Connors, E.M. The effect of eccentricity on detection of a moving object by a moving observer. 

Royden, C.S., Connors, E.M. and Mahoney, K.A.Thresholds for detection of a moving object by a moving observer. Presented at the Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting, May 7, 2005. 

The work is supported by NSF grants #IBN-0196068, and #IBN-0343825.