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Users may download any of the files and/or code below. They are either in the form of Matlab (.m,.mat) files or Windows (.exe) executables generated from Matlab code using Mathworks Matlab Compiler.

MATLAB users:

Users who have Matlab (and the associated toolboxes) may simply download and run the code they're interested in. The procedure is outlined below:

Program demo (.m version)

1. Download and unzip the file
2. Run Matlab
3. Run Programdemo.m

Non-MATLAB users:

Windows users who do not have Matlab may still download and run the .exe files generated from the respective .m files using the Matlab Component Runtime (MCR). To accomplish this, users must first download and run the MCR Installer (150 MB). The installer typically places the MCR in the directory:

C:\Program Files\MATLAB\MATLAB Component Runtime

Once the MCR is installed on a client machine, the MCR Installer never needs to be run again. The user should then make sure the directory below has been added to the PATH environment variable. To do this, simply right-click on My Computer -> Properties and select the Advanced tab. Then left-click on Environment Variables and in the System Variables section, scroll down to Path. Select the Path variable, left-click on Edit, and in the pop-up window, be sure that the directory:

C:\Program Files\MATLAB\MATLAB Component Runtime\v76\runtime\win32

has been added to the path. Once that is completed, reboot the client and you are now ready to run the .exe files. The procedure is outlined below:

Program demo (.exe version)

1. Download and unzip the file
2. Left-click on Program_pkg. This will unpack the files.
3. Left-click on Program.exe to run the demo. Note that it may take around 30 sec to load when running it for the first time.


The FBP demo is a program driven by a GUI to simulate tomographic projection and reconstruction using the filtered-backprojection (FBP) algorithm. It uses a rotator-driven projector. Refer to FBP_readme (PDF) to learn how to run the demo.

  • FBPdemo (.m version)
  • FBPdemo (.exe version)