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Discussion 8: Plotting Parametric Curves Using Maple

This discussion is a computer laboratory to introduce the Maple commands for plotting parametric curves in the plane and in space. The goal is to build up a familiarity with the correct Maple syntax and to develop the students' ability to visualize and analyze parametric curves. Before beginning this discussion, students should be familiar with parametric curves, including the examples in Section 2.1 of the text. In addition, students should be familiar with the use of Maple worksheets and some Maple syntax.

This discussion should be done in a computer lab where the students have access to Maple. Exercise 1 of this discussion introduces the cycloid curve. This curve will be used again in Discussion 9. In Exercise 2 students explore motion through space along a helix. Exercise 3 is an investigation of a parametrization for motion along an ellipse. Exercises 4 and 5 are explorations of the parametrizations for projectile motion and projectile motion with drag. In Exercise 5 students use the parametrization for motion with drag to investigate the motion of a soccer ball. Most of this discussion can be completed in a single class period with the remainder to be completed outside of class.

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