CSCI 356 / Fall 2024
Computer Networking
Readings, lecture notes, and other files can be accessed in our Shared Drive.
This schedule from Fall 2024 gives only a rough outline of dates and topics to be covered.
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[todo KR 1.1-1.2]: [todo KR 1.3]: [todo KR 1.4]: [todo KR 1.5]: [simulations]: sim/index.html [todo telegraph]: [todo framing]: [todo p1]: assn/p1/ [todo p2]: assn/p2/ [todo p3]: assn/p3/ [todo p3b]: assn/p3/part2.html [todo p4]: assn/p4/ [todo hw1]: assn/hw1/ [todo hw2]: assn/hw2/ [todo hw3]: assn/hw3/ [todo hw4]: assn/hw4/ [todo hw5]: assn/hw5/ [todo Clark Reactions]: [RFC 1034]: [RFC 1035]: [djb DNS notes]: [todo HTTP Performance]: [todo Exam 1 Review]: assignments.html#exam1 [todo Exam 2 Review]: assignments.html#exam2 [todo Final Exam]: assignments.html#final [todo RON]: [todo HotOS01]: 1. W 8/28 Historical Background | KR 1.1-1.2, KR 1.5, telegraph, framing | p1 out, hw1 out 2. F 8/30 Modern Networks | KR 1.3 | 3. M 9/2 Metrics, Performance | KR 1.4 | 4. W 9/4 Performance, Cont. | | hw1 due 5. F 9/6 Clark Discussion | Clark Reactions | 6. M 9/9 Queues and Calculations | KR 2.1 and simulations | 7. W 9/11 Sockets | KR 2.7 | p1 due, hw2 out 8. F 9/13 TCP, UDP, HTTP | KR 2.2 | 9. M 9/16 HTTP | | p2 out 10. W 9/18 Caches & HTTP | HTTP Performance | hw2 due 11. F 9/20 HTTP, Cont. | HTTP Performance | 12. M 9/23 DNS | KR 2.4 | 13. W 9/25 DNS, Cont. | Skim IETF RFC 1034, RFC 1035, & djb DNS notes | p2 due 14. F 9/27 DNS Security, Cont. | KR 2.6 | 15. M 9/30 DNS Security, Cont. | | p3 out 16. W 10/2 Replication | | 17. F 10/4 Transport Layer & UDP | KR 1.4.2, KR 3.1-3.3 | 18. M 10/7 Review for Exam | Exam 1 Review sheet | T 10/8 EXAM 1 (4-6pm, Smith Labs 155) | | 19. W 10/9 Checksums | KR 3.3, KR 3.4 | 20. F 10/11 TCP 1 | KR 3.5.1 | p3 due M 10/14 (break) W 10/16 (break) F 10/18 (break) 21. M 10/21 TCP 1 Cont. | KR 3.5.2, 3.5.5 | hw3 out 22. W 10/23 TCP 2 MSS, ACKs, Windows | KR 3.6 | p4 out 23. F 10/25 TCP 3 Handshaking | KR 3.6 | 24. M 10/28 TCP 4 Retransmission | | 25. W 10/30 TCP, Cont. | | hw3 due 26. F 11/1 TCP 5 Congestion Control | | 27. M 11/4 DHT Discussion | | 28. W 11/6 TCP 5 Macroscopic Behavior | | 29. F 11/8 TCP 5, Cont. | | p4 due 30. M 11/11 TCP 6 Fairness; Review | KR 3.7.1 (pp308-309) | 31. W 11/13 Link Layer | KR 6.1-6.3 | W 11/13 EXAM 2 (3:30-5:30pm, Swords 328) | Exam 2 Review sheet | 32. F 11/15 Ethernet MAC | KR 6.4 | hw4 out 33. M 11/18 CSMA/CD, Switched Ethernet | KR 6.4 | 34. W 11/20 ARP, DHCP, Zeroconf | KR 4.3, 6.4.1 | 35. F 11/22 Routing 1 | KR 5.1-5.2 | hw4 due, hw5 out 36. M 11/25 Routing 2 | KR 5.3-5.4 | W 11/27 (break) F 11/29 (break) 37. M 12/2 Routing 3 | | 38. W 12/4 Routing 4 | | 39. F 12/6 Recap | Final Exam Review | hw5 due M 12/9 (study period) T 12/10 (study period) W 12/11 (exams) R 12/12 (exams) F 12/13 (exams) S 12/14 Final Exam (3:00-5:30pm, Swords 328) S 12/15 (exams) M 12/16 (exams)