CSCI 363, Computational Vision, Fall 2016
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This schedule will give you an idea of the order of topics and chapters that will be covered. It may change during the semester depending on how quickly we cover the various topics.
Week Dates Chapter Topic 1 8/31-9/2 1 Introduction, the vision problem 2 9/5-9/9 1,2 Neurons, Visual Pathways The Retina 3 9/12-9/16 4 Edge Detection Matlab 4 9/19-9/23 Striate Cortex, Spatial Frequency 5 9/26-9/30 Spatial Frequency 6 10/3-10/7 5 Stereo Vision, Exam 1 10/5 Review for exam 10/7 EXAM 1, 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. **************** FALL BREAK 10/8 - 10/12 ****************************** 7 10/17-10/21 10 Stereo Vision 8 10/24-10/28 Biological Stereo, Motion 9 10/31-11/4 Computing Motion, Structure from motion 10 11/7-11/11 Structure from motion, Heading 11 11/14-11/18 3 Heading, Exam 2 11/16 Review for Exam 11/18 Exam 2, 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. 12 11/21 Color 11/23-25 NO CLASS--THANKSGIVING BREAK 13 11/28-12/2 11 Color, Perceptual organization 14 12/5-12/9 Attention, Project Presentations
Final Exam: Time TBD
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Computer Science 363--Computational Vision
Last Modified: August 26, 2016
Page Expires: August 25, 2017