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The aim of this assignment is to help you learn some of the basics of MATLAB programming and begin thinking of 2D matrices as representations of images, with the value at each location representing the light intensity at a corresponding position in a 2D image. Problem 1 also offers an opportunity for a little creative image-making.
Create an assign1
subdirectory inside the csci363
that you created for lab1,
and store all of your code files in the assign1
Further submission details are given at the end of this handout.
In MATLAB, it's easy to create an image with rectangular blocks of constant intensity. The following script creates an 8-bit gray-level image that has a background intensity of 0 and two overlapping blocks with intensities of 100 and 200:
% create an 8-bit image of size 200x200
image = uint8(zeros(200,200));
% add two rectangular blocks of constant intensity
image(40:80,30:120) = 100;
image(60:150,100:180) = 200;
imtool(image); % display the image
(200,1) | |
![]() | |
(200,200) |
We use uint8 (unsigned 8 bit integer) format to keep the size of the image files small.
The coordinates shown at the four corners of the above image are the pixel coordinates
in the bottom left corner of the Image Tool display window. In pixel coordinates, the
location of the upper left corner of the darker gray block is (X,Y) = (30,40)
. In
the matrix indices, the order of the two dimensions is reversed, so the matrix location of
this upper left corner is image(40,30)
(i.e. row 40, column 30, of the
matrix). Carefully examine the relationship between the ranges of
coordinates in the above script and the position and size of the two blocks.
Part a: Making circles
Your first task is to write a MATLAB function named addCircle
that adds a
circular patch of constant intensity to an input matrix. The function should have inputs and
outputs as shown in the following header:
function newImage = addCircle(image, xcenter, ycenter, radius, intensity)
Note that in Matlab, functions are written in the form:
function output = functionName(parameterList) Code for body of function end
Whatever value is assigned to output
by the end of the function execution
is the return value of the function. Thus the function call:
answer = functionName(parameterList)will execute the function called
and the final value of output
will be assigned to answer.
Assume that the input image
is a 2D matrix of uint8
that already exists. The circular
patch of intensity should be centered at pixel location (xcenter,ycenter)
and should have the specified input radius
and intensity
Your function can first alter the contents of the input image
matrix to add
the new circle, and then copy the new contents of the image
matrix into
at the end of the function definition, using a single assignment statement:
newImage = image;
Alternatively, you can copy the original contents of the input image
matrix into
at the beginning of your function definition and then modify the contents
of newImage
to add the circular patch.
When constructing the nested for
loops to step
through the region of the matrix where the circle is added, think about how the range of values
for the control variables in the for
statements can be specified in a way that
avoids unnecessary computations. For example, if you decide the outer loop will loop from the
minimum to the maximum Y values (what are these?), you will need to figure out the minimum
and maximum X values for each Y value to use as the range for the inner for loop.
Recall that for the outer edge of the circle, X^2 + Y^2 = R^2. So given Y and R
you can compute the max and min values of X. You can assume that this function will be called with
appropriate input values, so that the circular patch fits within the bounds of the matrix.
Store your new function in a file named addCircle.m
in your assign1
folder. Be sure to place a semi-colon at the end of each statement that generates a value,
to avoid unnecessary printout during execution of the function. The following example
illustrates the application of this function:
image = uint8(zeros(200,200));
image = addCircle(image,80,50,30,100);
image = addCircle(image,150,100,20,200);
View your image using the command, imtool(image);
The first, larger circle is centered at pixel coordinates (80,50)
and the
second, smaller circle is centered at pixel coordinates (150,100)
Part b: Creating color images
Color images can be stored in 3D matrices, where the third dimension stores the amount of
red, green and blue that combine to form a particular color. For example, load the
"peppers" image into MATLAB and view it with imtool
peppers = imread('peppers.png');
If you enter the whos
command, you'll see that peppers
is a
matrix of uint8
The "Pixel info:
" printed in the bottom left corner of the Image Tool window now displays
three intensity values corresponding to red, green and blue, e.g. [218 190 152]
You can use the Pixel Region Tool to examine the RGB values in image regions of different color.
A colorful RGB image of rectangular patches can be created by placing intensity values in a 3D matrix, where the third dimension specifies color. The following example shows how this idea extends to three dimensions:
colorImage = uint8(zeros(200,200,3)); % create a 3D matrix
colorImage(40:80,30:120,1) = 200; % add rectangle with a mix
colorImage(40:80,30:120,3) = 200;
% of red and blue
colorImage(60:150,100:180,2) = 255; % add green rectangle
Matrix location colorImage(y,x,1)
the amount of red that is displayed at pixel location (x,y)
, while
specifies the amount of green and
specifies the amount of blue displayed at pixel location
. In this example,
the upper left rectangle has red, green and blue values of 200, 0 and 200, respectively.
The mixture of red and blue creates the color magenta. The lower right triangle has red,
green and blue values of 0, 255 and 0, respectively, corresponding to pure green.
The overlapping region has a combination of all three colors, creating a whitish color.
Create a modified version of the addCircle
function named
that adds a circular patch of constant color to an RGB image:
function newImage = addColorCircle(image, xcenter, ycenter, radius, r, g, b)
This function should assume that the input image
is an existing 3D matrix of
values representing an RGB image. The circular patch of color should
be centered at pixel location (xcenter,ycenter)
and should have the specified
. The input RGB values should be placed in the third dimension of the matrix.
Note that addColorCircle
can be very similar to addCircle
As a starting point, you can copy-and-paste your addCircle
function into a new
M-File window in the MATLAB editor, save it in the file addColorCircle.m
and then
modify the code as needed.
Part c (Extra Credit): Create images of blocks and circles
To demonstrate your new addCircle
and addColorCircle
write a script
that creates two images, one gray-level image and one RGB image. In these
images, place blocks and circles of constant gray-level intensities or colors. Experiment
with different colors, sizes and positions of the figures, and think about trying to design
a particular scene, such as a bunch of balloons. Keep in mind the relationship between matrix
indices and pixel coordinates. Have fun with this part!
One way to blur an image is to calculate the average intensity within a neighborhood of each
location. Write a function named blurImage
that creates a blurred version of an
image using this technique. This function should have two inputs that represent the input
image and the size of the neighborhood, and a single output that is the new, blurred version
of the image. Assume that the input image is a 2D matrix of gray-level intensities ranging
from 0 to 255 (i.e. of type uint8
). The output matrix should be the same size as
the input matrix, and can be created initially using the uint8
functions. Suppose we let
denote the input neighborhood size. Then the value stored in location
of the output matrix should be the average of the intensities in the input
matrix calculated over a square region from (x-nsize,y-nsize)
. This average can be converted to an integer using the
function. You do not need to calculate average values for the region
of width nsize
around the outer border of the image (these values can remain zero).
Note that the built-in sum
function can be used to add the intensity values within
a square neighborhood around each location. You do not need to create an
additional pair of nested for
loops to perform this step. Using sum on a
2D array will result in a 1D array with the sum of each column. Using sum on a 1D array
will result in a single number, which is the sum of the numbers in the array. Thus, the
call sum(sum(A))
will return the sum of all elements in the 2D array, A.
Test your function by creating blurry versions of simple images that you create.
The images that you created in Problem 1a consist of patches of uniform intensity with sharp
intensity changes at their borders. The simplest way to find the edges in such images is to
scan each row of the image from left to right and look for a change of intensity between
adjacent pixels in the horizontal or vertical direction. Write a new function named
that has a single input that is a 2D gray-level image. This function
should return a 2D matrix of 8-bit values (i.e. with numbers of type uint8
) of the same
size as the input image, which has the value 255 at the locations of edges in the input
image, and the value 0 elsewhere. To find the edges, the intensity at location
can be compared to the intensities at locations (x-1,y)
. If there is a difference of intensity in either direction, then 255
should be placed in the output matrix at location (x,y)
. You do not need to
detect edges along row 1 and column 1 of the input image. Test your function with simple
images that you create.
Submission details: Hand in a hardcopy of the files addCircle.m,
addColorCircle.m, blurImage.m, and findEdges.m
. Also hand in
a hardcopy of the script file that you used to create
the images for Problem 1c (if you did this problem). To conserve paper, you can
copy-and-paste the individual code files into one extended M-File that you print out. Please
also email me an electronic copy of your code files by attaching them to an email to
me at croyden@holycross.edu. Attach each of the four individual
code files and, if you did the extra credit, the script file, to the message.
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Constance Royden--croyden@holycross.edu
Computer Science 363--Computational Vision
Last Modified: September 15, 2016
Page Expires: Auguest 24, 2017