CSCI 150, Spring 2003
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A Pascal while loop:
while condition do begin Pascal Code; {body of loop} end;
Execution of a while loop:
Example of a while loop:
program passwordCheck; var password, entry: string; begin password := 'sesame'; writeln('Please enter your password'); readln(entry); while entry <> password do begin writeln('Invalid Password!'); writeln('Please enter password:'); readln(entry); end; writeln('Password correct. Welcome!'); end.
Logical Expressions:
1) Relational operators:
A = B true if A and B are the same A < B true if A is less than B A > B true if A is greater than B A <> B true if A is not equal to B A <= B true if A is less than or equal to B A >= B true if A is greater than or equal to B
2) Logical Expressions using the operators: and, or, not:
p and q true if both p is true and q is true p or q true if p is true or q is true or both are true not p true if p is false
yards := 5; down := 2; if (yards > 2) and (down < 4) then begin writeln('Throw a pass;'); end;