CSCI 135, Discrete Structures, Spring 2013
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This schedule will give you an idea of the order of topics and chapters that will be covered. It may change during the semester depending on how quickly we cover the various topics.
Week Dates Chapter Topic 1 1/22-1/25 0, 1 Introduction, Substitution, Leibniz's Rule, assignment 2 1/28-2/1 1,2 Boolean Expressions 3 2/4-2/8 3 Equivalence, Negation, Inequivalence 4 2/11-2/15 3 Disjunction, Conjunction, Implication 5 2/18-2/22 4 Proof Techniques 6 2/25-3/1 4, 5.1 Word Problems **************** SPRING BREAK 3/4 - 3/8 ****************************** 7 3/11-3/15 5.2 Combinational Digital Circuits 8 3/18 Review for exam 3/20 MIDTERM EXAM: 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. 3/22 5.2 Digital Circuits 9 3/25-3/27 8 Quantification 3/29 NO CLASS EASTER BREAK 10 4/1 NO CLASS EASTER BREAK 4/3-4/5 9 Predicate Calculus 11 4/8-4/12 9 Program specifications 12 4/15-4/19 10 Assignments, Conditional Statements 13 4/22-4/26 11 Theory of Sets 14 4/29-5/3 12 Mathematical Induction, Loop correctness 15 5/6 12 Last Class, Review/Catch up
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Computer Science 135--Discrete Structures
Last Modified: January 18, 2013
Page Expires: January 8, 2014