CSCI 132 Data Structures--Spring 2014
Review for Exam 1
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Topics for Exam 1:
This sheet is intended to help you prepare for the first midterm in this course. The exam will cover
through section 4.3 in the textbook and lecture #12 on February 17. The following lists topics
covered in the first 5 weeks of the course that may appear on the exam.
1. Abstract Data Types
Definition of abstraction
Data Abstraction: Logical Properties vs. Implementation
Properties of Abstract Data Type
Abstract Data Type specification
Different possible implementations
Information hiding
2. Classes in C++
Class declaration
Public, Private and Protected members
Implementation of class member functions
Scope resolution operator
Class constructors
Object oriented Programming terminology
Client code for manipulating class objects
Destructors, Copy Constructors and Overloading
3. Stacks and Queues
Specification of Stack and Queue classes
Implementation of Stack and Queue functions as arrays
FIFO (first in first out) vs. LIFO (last in first out)
Writing client code using Stacks and Queues
Push(), Top() and Pop()
Append(), Serve() and Retrieve( )
Circular arrays
4. Pointers
Declaring pointers
Allocating memory for a pointer (using "new")
The NULL pointer
Accessing memory that is pointed to by a pointer
Pointer operations
Pointers to structs
Accessing members of structs using a pointer
Diagramming pointers
The memory "heap"
5. Linked Lists
Creating a list node
Adding nodes to a linked list
Deleting nodes from a linked list
Accessing list data
Traversing a linked list
Representing a Stack as a linked List
Writing Stack functions for a Linked List representation