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There are many online resources that provide valuable information about rankings of graduate programs in Computer Science, and how to choose programs that best fit an individual student's interests and needs. Conducting a Google search (at http://www.google.com/) on the string
Computer Science Graduate Program Rankings
points you to many of these resources. One particularly interesting site allows you to customize the ranking of graduate programs based on your own weighting of various criteria used to judge the quality of these programs. The site was created by Geoff Davis while he was on the faculty at Dartmouth College. The site is located at http://graduate-school.phds.org/rankings/ . If you click on the "Computer Sciences" link on this page you will go to a page of the site that lists a large number of factors that you can assign importance to, on a scale from 0 to 5. After specifying the importance of the various factors, you can click on the <Rank Programs> button and a customized ranking of Computer Science graduate programs will appear.
In this assignment, you will implement a
small version of a program that produces a customized ranking of
Computer Science graduate programs. You will make use of the list
functions and sortable_list functions (e.g. insertion_sort(), merge_sort(), etc)
that we developed in class.
You will create a class, GradSchools, that contains
a single data member that is a sortable_list of objects from the
School class (which you will also implement). The GradSchools class
will contain functions that allow you to add schools to the list and
to sort schools according to various weights given to different aspects
of the school.
To begin this assignment, copy the files from ~csci132/assignments/assign8
into your own assign8 folder. You will find the following files:
The list and sortable_list files have
all the usual list and sorting functions implemented for you. The school.h
and gradSchools.h files have the class specifications for the School and
GradSchools classes. Your task is to implement the member functions of these
classes in the school.cc and gradSchools.cc files (which are empty except for
an include statement when you first copy them). The gradSchoolsTest.cc file
contains code to test your implementation of the School and GradSchools
The school.h file contains the specification for a
new class named School
for storing information about a single graduate school program. A set
of public data members are already declared in the
file: string name; // name
of the school Each of the rating variables above
and ratePubs)
is assumed to be an integer between 1 and 10.
The remainder of this specification lists the 4 public member
functions that you will implement, as well as the 6 comparison
operator overload functions that you will also implement. All of
these implementations will go in the school.cc file. The
functions are described as follows: (1) one constructor method that has no parameters for the
class. This is the default constructor and should initialize the integer data
members to zero. (2) one constructor method that has 8 parameters
corresponding to the first 8 data members for the
class. The final instance variable, overallRating,
can be initialized to 0. (3) a member function printSchoolInfo()
that prints all of the information contained in a single
object. The
printout should contain short strings of text that label each
data member. (4) a member function
that has 6 inputs that represent weights (an integer between 0 and 5)
to be associated with each of the 6 factors used to evaluate graduate
programs (women PhD's, rating of AI, Computer Systems and Theory
programs, effectiveness, and rating of faculty publications). This
method should compute an overall rating for the school's graduate
program as shown below, and assign this value to the
data member: S
(weight * factor) i.e. the value is the sum over all factors of each factor times the weight for that factor.
factor refers to
one of the 6 factors being considered, weight
is the weight associated with this factor, and the sum is computed
over the set of 6 factors.
(5) Operator overloads: In addition to the member functions of
the School class, you must also implement 6 comparison operator overloads to be used by
the sorting functions. These overload functions should compare the overallRating
data member of the school objects and return an appropriate boolean value depending
on how the overallRatings of the two schools compare. This method will be used to
sort schools by their overall ratings. Note that the members for the
School class
have been declared public, so they can be accessed directly
from other code files -- there is no need to write any
member functions that read or change the values of these instance
variables. The gradSchools.h file contains the definition of a
new class named GradSchools
that stores information about multiple School
objects that are maintained in a Sortable_list. The single data member is a
Sortable_list named schools
that is a Sortable_list of School
objects. The class definition also lists 6 public member functions that you
will implement in the gradSchools.cc file: (1) one constructor method that has no parameters. This
should clear the schools data member. (2) a member function addSchool()
that has 8 parameters corresponding to the first 8 instance variables for
the School
class. This function should create a new instance of the
School class
and add it to the schools list in the
object that is used to call the function. (3) member function printGradSchools()
that prints all of the information that is stored in the entire
object used to invoke this method. The printSchoolInfo()
method defined for the School
class will be helpful here. (4) a member function computeRatings()
that has 6 inputs that represent the weights to be associated with
each of the 6 factors that are considered for evaluation of graduate
programs. This method should compute the overallRating
for each of the School
objects stored in the schools
array, using the computeRating()
method defined for the School
class. (5) a member function rankSchools()
that sorts all of the School
objects contained in the schools
Sortable_list using the overallRating
as the basis for the ranking. This method should also have 6 inputs
that represent the weights to be associated with the 6 factors used
to compute the overallRating.
Before sorting the schools, this method should call the
method to recompute the values of overallRating
based on the new input weights. This method should call an appropriate
sorting function to rearrange the
objects in the schools
array so that the School
with the lowest overallRating
is placed in the first location of the schools
list (at position 0) and the School
with the highest overallRating
is placed at the highest list position.
(Do not worry about the ordering of School
objects that have the same overallRating.)
After completing the sorting task, this method should print the names
of the schools, in order from highest to lowest rank. Note that this means
you must print the list in reverse order (you might want to write an auxiliary
function to do this). You should think carefully about which sorting function to use. Take into account
the type of list (contiguous), the size of the list, and the trade-offs between
efficient functions and ease of use. Write a short paragraph stating which sorting
function you chose and explaining why you chose it for this application.
(6) a member function rankSchoolsFactor()
that ranks the schools based on a single factor. This method should
have a single string
input that specifies which factor to use (e.g. "women", "AI", etc.),
and should call the rankSchools()
function with the appropriate parameters set to compute the ranking.
When you run gradSchoolsTest the output should look as follows (although note
that if 2 schools have the same overallRating, they may be in a different order
from that shown here, depending on which sorting function you use):
The School class
string state; // state in which school is located
int women; // rating of percentage of women PhD's
int rateAI; // rating of AI program
int rateSys; // rating of Computer Systems program
int rateTheory; // rating of Theory program
int effectiveness; // rating of effectiveness in
educating research scholars
int ratePubs; // rating of number and impact of
publications per faculty member
int overallRating; // overall rating that considers all
of the above factors The GradSchools class
Sample Output
Once you have implemented the appropriate functions (or at least put the function stubs
into the appropriate .cc files) you can compile your program with the following compile
g++ -g -Wall gradSchoolsTest.cc -o gradSchoolsTest
Ranking of Grad School programs, given your preferences:
UC Berkeley
Univ. of Washington
Univ. of Illinois
Ranking of Grad School programs, given your preferences:
Univ. of Illinois
UC Berkeley
Univ. of Washington
Ranking of Grad School programs, given your preferences:
Univ. of Washington
UC Berkeley
Univ. of Illinois
There are 8 schools in the database:
Name: Univ. of Illinois
State: Illinois
Rating of number of women PhD's: 4
Rating of AI program: 7
Rating of Systems program: 7
Rating of Theory program: 7
Effectiveness rating: 7
Rating of faculty publications: 7
Overall rating: 4
Name: UC Berkeley
State: California
Rating of number of women PhD's: 4
Rating of AI program: 6
Rating of Systems program: 8
Rating of Theory program: 9
Effectiveness rating: 9
Rating of faculty publications: 9
Overall rating: 4
Name: MIT
State: Massachusetts
Rating of number of women PhD's: 5
Rating of AI program: 10
Rating of Systems program: 9
Rating of Theory program: 10
Effectiveness rating: 10
Rating of faculty publications: 7
Overall rating: 5
Name: CMU
State: Pennsylvania
Rating of number of women PhD's: 6
Rating of AI program: 9
Rating of Systems program: 9
Rating of Theory program: 7
Effectiveness rating: 8
Rating of faculty publications: 6
Overall rating: 6
Name: Univ. of Washington
State: Washington
Rating of number of women PhD's: 7
Rating of AI program: 5
Rating of Systems program: 7
Rating of Theory program: 8
Effectiveness rating: 8
Rating of faculty publications: 8
Overall rating: 7
Name: Princeton
State: New Jersey
Rating of number of women PhD's: 8
Rating of AI program: 4
Rating of Systems program: 5
Rating of Theory program: 8
Effectiveness rating: 7
Rating of faculty publications: 10
Overall rating: 8
Name: Stanford
State: California
Rating of number of women PhD's: 9
Rating of AI program: 8
Rating of Systems program: 5
Rating of Theory program: 8
Effectiveness rating: 10
Rating of faculty publications: 9
Overall rating: 9
Name: Cornell
State: New York
Rating of number of women PhD's: 9
Rating of AI program: 5
Rating of Systems program: 8
Rating of Theory program: 9
Effectiveness rating: 9
Rating of faculty publications: 8
Overall rating: 9
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Constance Royden--croyden@mathcs.holycross.edu
Computer Science 132--Data Structures
Last Modified: April 8, 2014
Page Expires: January 14, 2015