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Re: Additional headers and other options

Andrew Hwang <ahwang@radius.holycross.edu> writes:

> On 3 Sep 2002, Jay Belanger wrote:
> > Since I usually want the x- and y-scales to match, my local solution
> > is to define a function mycoordinates(Q,R) which will set
> > bounding_box(Q,R);
> > picture(P(R.x1-Q.x1,R.x2-Q.x2));
> > and then the unitlength is the actual length of the coordinates.
> >
> Another idea is to have bounding_box() set the picture() parameters by
> default as you suggest. However, users must then put the call to picture()
> after the call to bounding_box().

You mean users who wish to specify a different picture(), I assume.

> On a tangent, do you do a lot of "actual size" plotting/pictures?

When plotting, I don't worry so much about the size.  However, the
overall size eventually needs to be specified somehow.  In the epix
example above, it was just a convenient way of doing it.

> > I didn't have anything in mind; sometimes when I need to draw an
> > example, it's easier to say that I want a curve through these points
> > than to come up with a specific function with the right properties.
> >
> If you need simple curves through a small number of points, splines are
> probably the easiest thing to use (for now). Implementing splines with an
> arbitrary number of points is in the TODO list.

It was careless of me not to check that.

> eepic2eps is "elaps" in epix. 

Oops, sorry.
