Neranga Fernando
- (with M. Elhamdadi and M. P. Goonewardena) Classification of connected shelves. Accepted in New Zealand Journal of Mathematics arXiv
- Reversed Dickson polynomials of the (k+1)-th kind over finite fields, II. To appear in Contributions to Discrete Mathematics arXiv
- (with J. Fang and H. Wu) Reversed Dickson polynomials. Involve, a Journal of Mathematics 18-2 (2025), 297 - 328. journal arXiv
- (with S. U. Hasan and M. Pal) Dembowski-Ostrom polynomials and Reversed Dickson polynomials. Discrete Applied Mathematics (2021) journal arXiv
- (with M. Elhamdadi and B. Tsvelikhovskiy) Ring theoretic aspects of quandles. Journal of Algebra (2019) journal arXiv
- A note on the permutation behaviour of the polynomial gn,q. INTEGERS: The Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory 19 (2019). journal arXiv
- (with S. Manukure) A note on Dickson polynomials of the third kind and Legendre functions. Journal of Inequalities and Special Functions (2019) journal arXiv
- A note on permutation binomials and trinomials over finite fields. New Zealand J. Math. 48 (2018), 25-29. journal arXiv
- (with I. R. Churchill and M. Elhamdadi) The cocycle structure of the Alexander f-quandles on finite fields. J. Algebra Appl. 17 (2018) journal arXiv
- Self-reciprocal polynomials and coterm polynomials. Des. Codes Cryptogr. 86 (2018), no. 8, 1707-1726. journal arXiv
Note: In Theorem 2.3, it must be ''Let n > 4 be even''. In Theorem 2.6, it must be ''Let n > 5 be odd''
- Reversed Dickson polynomials of the (k+1)-th kind over finite fields. J. Number Theory 172 (2017), 234-255.
journal arXiv
- Reversed Dickson polynomials of the third kind. In: Gloria Scientiam. University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka (2017), Chapter 50: 585-598. journal arXiv
- (with X. Hou) From r-linearized polynomial equations to rm-linearized polynomial equations. Finite Fields Appl. 37 (2016), 14-27.
journal arXiv
- (with X. Hou and S. D. Lappano) Permutation polynomials over finite fields involving x+xq+…+xqa-1. Discrete Math. 315 - 316 (2014), 173-184.
- (with X. Hou and S. D. Lappano) A new approach to permutation polynomials over finite fields, II. Finite Fields Appl. 22 (2013), 122-158.
journal arXiv
- (with X. Hou) A piecewise construction of permutation polynomials over finite fields. Finite Fields Appl. 18 (2012), 1184-1194.
Ph.D. Thesis
- A study of permutation polynomials over finite fields. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA (2013). Ph.D. Thesis
Unrefereed Publications
- (with M. H. Rashid) Fibonacci self-reciprocal polynomials and Fibonacci permutation polynomials. arXiv
- Dembowski-Ostrom polynomials and reversed Dickson polynomials. arXiv
Indu Rasika Churchill (SUNY at Oswego, USA)
Mohamed Elhamdadi (USF, Tampa, USA)
Jiaqi Fang* (College of the Holy Cross, USA)
Matthew Goonewardena (Ericsson, Montreal, Canada)
Sartaj Ul Hasan (IIT Jammu, India)
Xiang-dong Hou (USF, Tampa, USA)
Stephen D. Lappano (USF, Tampa, USA)
Solomon Manukure (Florida A&M University, USA)
Mohit Pal (IIT Jammu, India)
Mohammad H. Rashid* (Northeastern University, Boston, USA)
Boris Tsvelikhovskiy (University of Pittsburgh, USA) Haoming Wu* (College of the Holy Cross, USA)
The asterisk * denotes an undergraduate student.