Neranga Fernando


  1. (with M. Elhamdadi and M. P. Goonewardena) Classification of connected shelves. Accepted in New Zealand Journal of Mathematics arXiv
  2. Reversed Dickson polynomials of the (k+1)-th kind over finite fields, II. To appear in Contributions to Discrete Mathematics arXiv
  3. (with J. Fang and H. Wu) Reversed Dickson polynomials. Involve, a Journal of Mathematics 18-2 (2025), 297 - 328. journal arXiv
  4. (with S. U. Hasan and M. Pal) Dembowski-Ostrom polynomials and Reversed Dickson polynomials. Discrete Applied Mathematics (2021) journal arXiv
  5. (with M. Elhamdadi and B. Tsvelikhovskiy) Ring theoretic aspects of quandles. Journal of Algebra (2019) journal arXiv
  6. A note on the permutation behaviour of the polynomial gn,q. INTEGERS: The Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory 19 (2019). journal arXiv
  7. (with S. Manukure) A note on Dickson polynomials of the third kind and Legendre functions. Journal of Inequalities and Special Functions (2019) journal arXiv
  8. A note on permutation binomials and trinomials over finite fields. New Zealand J. Math. 48 (2018), 25-29. journal arXiv
  9. (with I. R. Churchill and M. Elhamdadi) The cocycle structure of the Alexander f-quandles on finite fields. J. Algebra Appl. 17 (2018) journal arXiv
  10. Self-reciprocal polynomials and coterm polynomials. Des. Codes Cryptogr. 86 (2018), no. 8, 1707-1726. journal arXiv
    Note: In Theorem 2.3, it must be ''Let n > 4 be even''. In Theorem 2.6, it must be ''Let n > 5 be odd''
  11. Reversed Dickson polynomials of the (k+1)-th kind over finite fields. J. Number Theory 172 (2017), 234-255. journal arXiv
  12. Reversed Dickson polynomials of the third kind. In: Gloria Scientiam. University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka (2017), Chapter 50: 585-598. journal arXiv
  13. (with X. Hou) From r-linearized polynomial equations to rm-linearized polynomial equations. Finite Fields Appl. 37 (2016), 14-27. journal arXiv
  14. (with X. Hou and S. D. Lappano) Permutation polynomials over finite fields involving x+xq+…+xqa-1. Discrete Math. 315 - 316 (2014), 173-184. journal
  15. (with X. Hou and S. D. Lappano) A new approach to permutation polynomials over finite fields, II. Finite Fields Appl. 22 (2013), 122-158. journal arXiv
  16. (with X. Hou) A piecewise construction of permutation polynomials over finite fields. Finite Fields Appl. 18 (2012), 1184-1194. journal

Ph.D. Thesis

  1. A study of permutation polynomials over finite fields. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA (2013). Ph.D. Thesis

Unrefereed Publications

  1. (with M. H. Rashid) Fibonacci self-reciprocal polynomials and Fibonacci permutation polynomials. arXiv
  2. Dembowski-Ostrom polynomials and reversed Dickson polynomials. arXiv


Indu Rasika Churchill (SUNY at Oswego, USA)
Mohamed Elhamdadi (USF, Tampa, USA)
Jiaqi Fang* (College of the Holy Cross, USA)
Matthew Goonewardena (Ericsson, Montreal, Canada)
Sartaj Ul Hasan (IIT Jammu, India)
Xiang-dong Hou (USF, Tampa, USA)
Stephen D. Lappano (USF, Tampa, USA)
Solomon Manukure (Florida A&M University, USA)
Mohit Pal (IIT Jammu, India)
Mohammad H. Rashid* (Northeastern University, Boston, USA)
Boris Tsvelikhovskiy (University of Pittsburgh, USA)
Haoming Wu* (College of the Holy Cross, USA)

The asterisk * denotes an undergraduate student.
