Elena, Your project paper is very good, and the oral presentation was excellent. Since you will be able to "recycle" all of this into a first chapter of your thesis next year, I have marked a number of small things throughout for you to change or fix, and I have a few general comments: (1) It will help your understanding, I think, to try to provide complete proofs for several of the theorems. For instance, while the proof of Molien's Theorem (Theorem 4.1) is completely correct, you have not really explained why the trace of the mapping induced by g on S_t equals the product \frac{1}{(1 - \rho_1(g) u)\cdots (1 - \rho_n(g) u)}. Mathematicians often leave out steps like this (out of laziness), but I would say you should be able to write out a full, detailed proof and then decide what to leave out. I know this can seem like drudgery if you think you understand what's going on. But it's a bit like practicing scales so that when the time comes to perform a scale passage in a piece of real music, you will have the technique to do something interesting with it(!) (2) If you don't want to prove something (e.g. the fact that a matrix of finite order is diagonalizable), in the thesis, you will want to give a reference for that fact. (But in fact, I think you should also indicate how this is proved because the slickest proof is an important application of the criterion for diagonalizability in terms of the minimal polynomial of a matrix. Look this up if you don't recall it from linear algebra.) (3) Be a bit more careful about hypotheses for the theorems. Any proof that uses the Reynolds operator (e.g. the arguments for Noether's Theorem -- Theorem 3.5, Lemma 4.2, and hence Theorem 4.1 too) requires that the characteristic of the field k does not divide the order |G|. In fact, the problem you'll be working on will deal exactly with the case where the characteristic of the field DOES divide the order |G|. The finite generation of the invariant ring from Theorem 3.5, and Theorem 4.1, are still true in that case, but different proofs are required, and we'll be looking at them at the start of the fall. Final Project Presentation: 98 (A) Final Project Paper: 95 (A)