MATH 376 -- Probability and Statistics 2 


A hypothesis test on a regression coefficient  


April 15, 2010 


> with(Statistics): with(plots):


Using the median housing price data from class a few days ago.  

We enter the lists of x  and  y  coordinates of the data points separately. 


> XList:=[0.,1,2,3,4,5,6,7];

[0., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] (1)

> YList:=[27.6,32.5,35.9,39.3,44.8,48.8,55.7,62.9];

[27.6, 32.5, 35.9, 39.3, 44.8, 48.8, 55.7, 62.9] (2)


> Xbar:=Mean(XList);

3.500000000 (3)

> Ybar:=Mean(YList);

43.43750000 (4)


Organizing the computation of the least squares estimators of the regression coefficients
as we described in class:


> SXY:=add((XList[i]-Xbar)*(YList[i]-Ybar),i=1..8);

203.6500000 (5)

> SXX:=add((XList[i]-Xbar)*(XList[i]-Xbar),i=1..8);

42.00000000 (6)

> hatbeta[1]:=SXY/SXX;

4.848809524 (7)

> hatbeta[0]:=Ybar-hatbeta[1]*Xbar;

26.46666667 (8)


We can ask whether there is evidence to say that the median house price was 

increasing at a rate less than 5 thousand dollars per year.

That is, we set up for testing


    H[0] : beta[1] = 5    (or perhaps ≥ 5 -- essentially equivalent)   versus the alternative 

    H[a] :  `<`(beta[1], 5) 

To compute the test statistic we need the estimator `*`(`^`(S, 2))  for the variance `*`(`^`(sigma, 2)) 


> SYY:=add((YList[i]-Ybar)*(YList[i]-YBar),i=1..8);

1004.158750 (9)

> S2:=(1/(8-2))*(SYY-hatbeta[1]*SXY);

2.7831151 (10)

Then the test statistic is  t = `/`(`*`(`+`(hatbeta[1], `-`(5))), `*`(S, `*`(sqrt(c[11])))),  where c[11] = `/`(1, `*`(S[xx]))

> t:=(hatbeta[1] - 5)/sqrt(S2/SXX);

-.5873317731 (11)


The test statistic has a  t-distribution with 8 - 2 = 6 d.f.  so the 

p-value for the lower tail test is: 


> `assign`(T, RandomVariable(StudentT(6))); 1

_R1 (12)

> CDF(T,t);

.289198656033010648 (13)


Note:  1 - CDF(T,-t)  gives the same result by symmetry of the t  

density function. 



This value is much too large to indicate rejection of H[0] .  There is  

not sufficient evidence to suggest that  `<`(beta[1], 5.)