MATH 376 -- Probability and Statistics II 


January 28, 2010 


The F-distribution describes the distribution of a  

ratio of two  `*`(`^`(chi, 2)) - distributed random variables, scaled 

by the numbers of degrees of freedom of each:  If  U[1] 

is  `*`(`^`(chi, 2))(nu[1])  and  U[2]  is   `*`(`^`(chi, 2))(nu[2]) ,  then the ratio  

`/`(`*`(nu[2], `*`(U[1])), `*`(nu[1], `*`(U[2])))  has an  F-distribution with nu[1]  ``numerator 

degrees of freedom'', and nu[2]  ``denominator degrees of  

freedom''.   F-distributions are always skewed, with  

expected value > 1, if `<`(2, nu[2]) 

> read "/home/fac/little/public_html/ProbStat0910/";


Warning, the use of _seed is deprecated.  Please consider using one of the alternatives listed on the _seed help page.
1605484 (1)


> plot([y->FPDF(3,4,y),y->FPDF(5,20,y),y->FPDF(7,300,y)],0..5,color=[red,blue,black]);


> 1 - FCDF(15,12,2);

.1160615571 (2)
