MATH 376 -- Probability and Statistics II

Lab Project 4 Solutions

April 4, 2006


>    read "/home/fac/little/public_html/ProbStat0506/";


The data on breaking strength for the two glue application processes:

>    XList:=evalf([1250,1210,990,1310,1320,1200,1290,1360,1200,1150,1120,1360,1310,1110,1320,980,950,1430,1100,1080,960,1050,1310,1240,1420,1170,1470,1060,1230,1300]);

XList := [1250., 1210., 990., 1310., 1320., 1200., 1290., 1360., 1200., 1150., 1120., 1360., 1310., 1110., 1320., 980., 950., 1430., 1100., 1080., 960., 1050., 1310., 1240., 1420., 1170., 1470., 1060.,...
XList := [1250., 1210., 990., 1310., 1320., 1200., 1290., 1360., 1200., 1150., 1120., 1360., 1310., 1110., 1320., 980., 950., 1430., 1100., 1080., 960., 1050., 1310., 1240., 1420., 1170., 1470., 1060.,...

>    Xbar:=Mean(XList);

Xbar := 1208.333333

>    S[X]:=StandardDeviation(XList);

S[X] := 144.8681541

>    YList:=evalf([1180,1360,1310,1190,920,1060,1440,1010,1000,950,1310,980,1310,1030,960,800,1280,1080,900,1030,930,1050,1010,1310,940,860,1450,1070,840,1100]);

YList := [1180., 1360., 1310., 1190., 920., 1060., 1440., 1010., 1000., 950., 1310., 980., 1310., 1030., 960., 800., 1280., 1080., 900., 1030., 930., 1050., 1010., 1310., 940., 860., 1450., 1070., 840....
YList := [1180., 1360., 1310., 1190., 920., 1060., 1440., 1010., 1000., 950., 1310., 980., 1310., 1030., 960., 800., 1280., 1080., 900., 1030., 930., 1050., 1010., 1310., 940., 860., 1450., 1070., 840....

>    Ybar:=Mean(YList);

Ybar := 1088.666667

>    S[Y]:=StandardDeviation(YList);

S[Y] := 182.4305858


>    BoxWhisker(XList,YList);

[Maple Plot]

Here XList (new process) is the bottom, YList (old process) is the top.

The median and 25th %ile are definitely greater for the new process --

guess that mu[Y] < mu[X]   Thus, our null hypothesis is   H[0] :   mu[X] = mu[Y] ; alternative hypothesis

is mu[Y] < mu[X]  

>    nops(XList),nops(YList);

30, 30

so a large sample  Z-test  is appropriate.  

Z = (Xbar-Ybar)/sqrt(S[X]^2/30+S[Y]^2/30)

With   alpha  = .01,  the rejection region is   z > z[.1e-1]  = 2.326

>    1 - NormalCDF(0,1,2.326);


>    z:=(Xbar-Ybar)/sqrt(S[X]^2/30+S[Y]^2/30);

z := 2.813604878

This is well into the rejection region, so we reject the null hypothesis

at this level.

c)  With   alpha  = .01,  the data indicate we have good reason to

reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative hypothesis

mu[Y] < mu[X]   

d)  The attained significance level is:

>    p:=1-NormalCDF(0,1,z);

p := .24494702e-2


1)  The data for the male and female spiders:

>    XListB:=[20.4,21.7,21.9,21.4,21.1,23.6,18.9,22.6,21.3];

XListB := [20.4, 21.7, 21.9, 21.4, 21.1, 23.6, 18.9, 22.6, 21.3]

>    nops(XListB);


>    XbarB:=Mean(XListB);

XbarB := 21.43333333

>    SB2[X]:=Variance(XListB);

SB2[X] := 1.745000250

>    YListB:=[20.5,20.4,20.3,21.1,21.2,20.9,21.0,21.3,20.9,20.0,20.4,20.8,20.3];

YListB := [20.5, 20.4, 20.3, 21.1, 21.2, 20.9, 21.0, 21.3, 20.9, 20.0, 20.4, 20.8, 20.3]

>    nops(YListB);


>    YbarB:=Mean(YListB);

YbarB := 20.70000000

>    SB2[Y]:=Variance(YListB);

SB2[Y] := .1650000000

With   H[0]   being   sigma[X]^2 = sigma[Y]^2

>    Fval:=SB2[X]/SB2[Y];

Fval := 10.57575909

For a level alpha = .5e-1   two-tail F-test (for instance)

>    1-FCDF(8,12,3.5114);


>    1-FCDF(8,12,.2381);


RR:  all F with  F < .2381 or  F > 3.5114 (the union of two intervals).

Here   F = 10.58  is  in RR, so we reject the null hypothesis on the basis of this data.

There is evidence to suggest that the variances are different.

The attained significance level is

>    p:=2*(1 - FCDF(8,12,Fval));

p := .440641e-3

Note:  Must multiply by 2 here since this is a two-tail test.

2)  Since we cannot assume the variances are the same, we use the

t-test for equality of means with the Welch variant for the number of d.f.

>    Welch:=trunc((SB2[X]/9+SB2[Y]/13)^2/((SB2[X]/9)^2/8+(SB2[Y]/13)^2/12));

Welch := 9

The test statistic value:

>    T:=evalf((XbarB-YbarB)/(sqrt(SB2[X]/9+SB2[Y]/13)));

T := 1.613451817

The p-value for the test on the means is:

>    2*(1-TCDF(Welch,T));


So we cannot reject null hypothesis ( mu[X] = mu[Y] ) on the basis of this data ( p -value is too large).  The

conclusion is that the mean lengths could be the same based on this data.  

3)  The box-whisker plot confirms our conclusions in parts 1 and 2:

Note that the males (the bottom) have much more variance than the females.

But the medians are not that far apart, so the means are probably not

that different either:

>    BoxWhisker(XListB,YListB);

[Maple Plot]