MATH 375 -- Probability and Statistics 1

Gamma Distributions

October 29, 2003

Recall that we say   Y   has a Gamma distribution

if its pdf has the form

f(y) = y^(alpha-1)*exp(-y/beta)/(GAMMA(alpha)*beta^alpha)    for   y >= 0  (and  0  for y  < 0)

>    read "/home/fac/little/public_html/ProbStat/MaplePackage/";


In our Maple package, the Gamma probability density function

is called GammaPDF -- it takes three parameters, alpha, beta, y

>    GammaPDF(2,3,1.3);


The Gamma distributions include distributions of various shapes,

skewed to different degrees always   to the right.

The Gamma distribution with alpha = 1  is a special case called

the exponential distribution.   We looked at these already in an

example from class on Wednesday, 10/22.  The exponential

pdf is always decreasing (a decaying exponential)

>    plot(y->GammaPDF(1,2,y),0..10);

[Maple Plot]

When   1 < alpha ,  the pdf has a local maximum at a positive   y.

For instance, with alpha = 2 ,  we have distributions like the following.  

Increasing the parameter beta   stretches horizontally (hence shrinks

vertically too to keep the total area = 1).

>    plot(y->GammaPDF(2,1,y),0..20);

[Maple Plot]

>    plot(y->GammaPDF(2,3,y),0..20);

[Maple Plot]

With   alpha = 4 , beta = 1 ,  note that the peak has shifted to the right compared to alpha = 2, beta = 1

and the overall distribution is more symmetrical.

>    plot(y->GammaPDF(4,1,y),0..30);

[Maple Plot]

>    plot(y->GammaPDF(4,3,y),0..30);

[Maple Plot]

Finally, with alpha = 50, beta = 1 ,  we get something quite symmetrical.  

>    plot(y->GammaPDF(50,1,y),0..120);

[Maple Plot]

The mean here is mu = 50 , and the variance is sigma^2 = 50 .  For comparison,

here is the corresponding normal pdf plotted together with the Gamma pdf.

The Gamma pdf is skewed to the right compared to the normal.

>    plot([y->NormalPDF(50,sqrt(50),y),y->GammaPDF(50,1,y)],20..120,color=[red,black]);

[Maple Plot]
