Reading Course in Fourier Analysis -- Spring 1997

The beginnings of the field of Fourier Analysis can be found in a book of Joseph Fourier from the early 1800's devoted to the mathematical study of heat conduction. To study the flow of heat through an object or a volume of air (possibly containing one or more heat sources, possibly with insulation at the boundaries, etc.), Fourier used the hypothesis that functions on a finite closed interval, say [-pi,pi], can be represented as an infinite linear combination of periodic sine and cosine functions (now called Fourier series). Fourier gave formulas for computing the coefficients in such expansions and applied his methods to many physical problems with great success. Nevertheless, he was vague (at best) in saying why expansions would exist and in proving convergence. As a result, many mathematicians of the 19th and 20th centuries considered the conditions under which a Fourier series will actually converge (pointwise or uniformly), in order to understand better the scope of applicability of Fourier's methods. Indeed, the desire to understand the convergence properties of these series was a major contributing factor in the greater understanding of the real number system and the fundamentals of the theory of analysis achieved during this period. Note that if a function can be represented as a Fourier series on the real line, then it must be a periodic function with period 2 pi. In physical terms, a periodic function is a combination of sinusoidal functions with a discrete spectrum of frequencies. The Fourier coefficients tell ``how much'' of each frequency is present in in the function. As we will see, for non-periodic functions on the real line, there is also Fourier transform that plays the same role. The Fourier transform is a basic tool in signal processing, electrical engineering, parts of optics, physics, etc. This reading course was organized as follows:
  1. Fourier Series (about 6 weeks):
  2. Fourier Transforms (about 8 weeks):
Text: Walker, Fourier Analysis
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