MATH 304 -- Ordinary Differential Equations

Solutions -- Lab 3

November 6, 2000


> aux:=2*10^(-6)*r^2+10^(-3)*r+1;

[Maple Math]

> fsolve(aux,r,complex);

[Maple Math]

> v1:=t->exp(-250*t)*cos(661.4378278*t);

[Maple Math]

> v2:=t->exp(-250*t)*sin(661.4378278*t);

[Maple Math]

> vp:=t->A*cos(50*t)+B*sin(50*t);

[Maple Math]

> 2.0*10^(-6)*diff(vp(t),t$2)+1.0*10^(-3)*diff(vp(t),t)+vp(t);

[Maple Math]

> ABsol:=fsolve({.995*A+.05*B,-.05*A+.995*B-20},{A,B});

[Maple Math]

> vpp:=t->subs(ABsol,vp(t));

[Maple Math]

> vC:=t->c1*v1(t)+c2*v2(t)+vpp(t);

[Maple Math]

> vC(t);

[Maple Math]

> initeqs:={vC(0)=0,subs(t=0,diff(vC(t),t))=1};

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

> cvals:=fsolve(initeqs,{c1,c2});

[Maple Math]

The transient terms die away to zero very quickly in this example:

> plot(10*v1(t)+20*v2(t),t=0..0.1);

> plot(subs(cvals,vC(t)),t=0..1);


The case R = 0

If [Maple Math] is not a root of the auxiliary equation, the general solution is:

> vnonres:=t -> c1*cos(t/sqrt(L*C))+c2*sin(t/sqrt(L*C))+a/(1-omega^2*L*C)*sin(omega*t);

[Maple Math]

If [Maple Math] is a root of the auxiliary equation, then the general solution is

> vres:=t->c1*cos(t/sqrt(L*C))+c2*sin(t/sqrt(L*C))-a/(2*sqrt(L*C))*t*cos(omega*t);

[Maple Math]


For the first two cases here, [Maple Math] and [Maple Math] ,

[Maple Math] is not a root of the auxiliary equation, so we use the first form from question B:

> C:=1.0*10^(-6); L:=1; a:=1;

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

> vres(t);

[Maple Math]

> vnonres(t);

[Maple Math]

> omega:=900;

[Maple Math]

> initeqs1:={vnonres(0)=1,subs(t=0,diff(vnonres(t),t))=0};

[Maple Math]

> sol1:=fsolve(initeqs1,{c1,c2});

[Maple Math]

> plot(subs(sol1,vnonres(t)),t=0..0.1);


> omega:=950;

[Maple Math]

> initeqs2:={vnonres(0)=1,subs(t=0,diff(vnonres(t),t))=0};

[Maple Math]

> sol2:=fsolve(initeqs2,{c1,c2});

[Maple Math]

> plot(subs(sol2,vnonres(t)),t=0..0.1);

[Maple Math] does give [Maple Math] a root of the auxiliary equation so we need to

use the second form of solution from question B

> omega:=1000;

[Maple Math]

> initeqs3:={vres(0)=1,subs(t=0,diff(vres(t),t))=0};

[Maple Math]

> sol3:=fsolve(initeqs3,{c1,c2});

[Maple Math]

> plot(subs(sol3,vres(t)),t=0..0.2);

This is the resonant solution -- the amplitude of the oscillations is increasing without

bound as t increases.

The final two cases are like the first two:

> omega:=1050;

[Maple Math]

> initeqs4:={vnonres(0)=1,subs(t=0,diff(vnonres(t),t))=0};

[Maple Math]

> sol4:=fsolve(initeqs4,{c1,c2});

[Maple Math]

> plot(subs(sol4,vnonres(t)),t=0..0.1);


> omega:=1100;

[Maple Math]

> initeqs5:={vnonres(0)=1,subs(t=0,diff(vnonres(t),t))=0};

[Maple Math]

> sol5:=fsolve(initeqs5,{c1,c2});

[Maple Math]

> plot(subs(sol5,vnonres(t)),t=0..0.1);

D) If R > 0, then roots of the auxiliary equation are

r = [Maple Math]

r = [Maple Math]

The real part is always negative in both, so all solutions tend to zero as [Maple Math] .

Get real solutions only if [Maple Math]


> R:=2000.; C:=2.0*10^(-7); L := 1.5; omega:='omega';

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

> aux:=L*C*r^2+R*C*r+1;

[Maple Math]

> fsolve(aux,r,complex);

[Maple Math]

> v1:=t->exp(-666.6666667*t)*cos(1699.673171*t);

[Maple Math]

> v2:=t->exp(-666.6666667*t)*sin(1699.673171*t);

[Maple Math]

Again, the transients (the homogeneous solution terms) will die away so quickly that the

particular solution determines the shape for large t. The particular solution in this

case always has the form [Maple Math] since neither of these

terms solves the homogeneous equation if R is not zero (all solutions of the homogeneous

equation contain a decaying exponential by question D).

> vp:=t->A*sin(omega*t)+B*cos(omega*t);

[Maple Math]

> ss:=L*C*diff(vp(t),t$2)+R*C*diff(vp(t),t)+vp(t);

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

> a:='a';

[Maple Math]

> collect(ss,{cos(omega*t),sin(omega*t)});

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

> ABsol:=solve({-.3000000000e-6*B*omega^2+.4000000000e-3*A*omega+B,-.3000000000e-6*A*omega^2-.4000000000e-3*B*omega+A=a},{A,B});

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

> vpp:=t->subs(ABsol,vp(t));

[Maple Math]

The long-term behavior is determined by the particular solution, so as a

"short-cut" we only plot that (!!!!!!)

For [Maple Math] different from the frequency of the homogenous solution, the particular

solutions will look like a sinusoid with amplitude roughly a, frequency [Maple Math]

> omega:=100; a:=10;

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

> plot(vpp(t),t=0..1);

If [Maple Math] or so (the frequency of the homogenous solutions), then something interesting happens:

> omega:=1699.67; a;

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

> plot(vpp(t),t=0..0.1);

Note that the amplitude here is significantly larger than the amplitude of the forcing term: [Maple Math] .

If [Maple Math] , larger than the frequency of the homogeneous solutions, then something else happens:

> omega:=3000: plot(vpp(t),t=0..0.01);

Here the amplitude is much smaller than 10; the frequency is also much larger, so we have

plotted a smaller piece of the solution.

In fact, we can plot the amplitude of the particular solution as a function of the forcing frequency

[Maple Math] , as follows. The particular solution is

> vpp(t);

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

which has the form AA cos( [Maple Math] ) + BB sin( [Maple Math] ). Every such function is a sinusoid,

with amplitude [Maple Math]

> AA:=coeff(vpp(t),sin(omega*t)):

> BB:=coeff(vpp(t),cos(omega*t)):

To plot, we take a = 1:

> a:=1;

[Maple Math]

> amp:=simplify(sqrt(AA^2+BB^2));

[Maple Math]

> plot(amp(omega),omega=0..5000);

There is resonance in the sense that the amplitude of the longterm solution can be larger

than the amplitude of the forcing term, but the solution is always bounded, unlike the R = 0 case.