MATH 304 -- Ordinary Differential Equations

Some examples for the heating/cooling discussion lab.

To deal with control terms in ODE's that depend on the

value of the dependent variable, but not continuously, it is

sometimes necessary to use a procedure to compute values

of the slope function. For instance, suppose we wanted to

generate approximate solutions of

dy/dx = F(x,y),

where F(x,y) = x + y if y < 10

x - 2y if y >= 10

Since F(x,y) is discontinuous along the line y = 10, our

Existence and Uniqueness Theorem does not apply once

a solution crosses that line. ("All bets are off" about whether

a solution even exists then!) We can still try to apply an

approximate numerical method, though, to try to get a feeling

for what is going on. To do that, we could start by defining a

Maple function that computes F as follows:

> F := proc(x,y) if y < 10 then RETURN(x+y) else RETURN(x-2*y) fi end:

Unfortunately, the built-in DEplot command in Maple apparently

cannot handle a slope function like this one (or at least I have not

been able to make it do so!) Fortunately, there is another way to

proceed. We begin by reading in Maple code for an approximate

numerical method called the Runge-Kutta method (similar to the

method Maple uses to plot approximate solutions of ODE).

> read `/home/fac/little/public_html/ODE00/`;

The command defined in this file has the format



F is the slope function for the ODE you want to solve (this should

be the name of a procedure or function that computes the slope value).

It should be a function of two variables, with the independent variable

first in the list of variables.

t0 is the initial value of the independent variable (t)

y0 is the initial value of the dependent variable (y)

tf is the final value of the independent variable (you'll get approximate

solution values for t0 <= t <= tf

numpoints is the number of values of the independent variable that will

be computed (stepsize = (tf - t0)/numpoints)

The output from this is a list of points (approximations to points on the

graph of the solution with the initial conditions. You can plot the points

just by giving the list as input to the plot command. (Maple generates

the plot by connecting the points by straight line segments -- exactly what

DEplot does too, by the way!)

Here's an example: We plot the solution of the above ODE with initial

condition y(1) = -1 for 1 <= x <= 40, using numpoints = 500

> sol:=RungeKutta(F,1,-1,40,500):

> plot(sol);


To make sure you understand this plot, ask yourself: Why does it have this shape???