Detailed Schedule -- Numerical Analysis

Fall 2001, Prof. Little

As always, topics may be added, deleted, or rearranged during the course of the semester. Any changes will be announced in class and here.

DateClass Topic Reading (Burden and Faires)
8/29 Course introduction; Computer arithmetic 1.2
8/31 Computer arithmetic and roundoff error 1.2
9/3 Numerical algorithms and convergence 1.3
9/5 Numerical algorithms, cont. 1.3
9/7 Bisection for solving f(x) = 0 2.1
9/10 First steps in Maple programming (lab) 2.1,1.3
9/12 Fixed-point iteration 2.2
9/14 Fixed-point iteration (theory) 2.2
9/17 Newton-Raphson iteration 2.3
9/19 Newton-Raphson iteration, cont. 2.3
9/21 Error analysis (rate of convergence) (lab) 2.4
9/24 More on error analyis 2.4
9/26 Accelerating convergence (Aitken) 2.5
9/28 Accelerating convergence (Steffensen) (lab) 2.5
10/1 Polynomial interpolation 3.1
10/3 Lagrange's formula 3.1
10/5 Divided differences 3.2
10/8 No class -- Columbus Day
10/10 More on divided differences 3.2
10/12 More on divided differences 3.2
10/15 Interpolation -- the ``dark side'' 3.4
10/17 Cubic splines 3.4
10/19 Using Cubic Splines (lab) 3.5
10/22 Numerical differentiation 4.1
10/24 Richardson extrapolation 4.2
10/26 Numerical integral formulas 4.3
10/29 More on numerical integral rules 4.3
10/31 Composite integration rules (lab) 4.4
11/2 More on composite rules 4.4
11/5 Romberg integration 4.5
11/7 Adaptive quadrature 4.6
11/9 Gaussian quadrature -- theory 4.7
11/12 Gaussian quadrature -- Legendre polynomials 4.7
11/14 Gaussian quadrature (lab) 4.7
11/16 Spare day
11/19 ODE initial value problems 5.1
11/21,23 No Class -- Thanksgiving Recess
11/26 Euler's Method 5.2
11/28 Runge-Kutta methods 5.4
11/30 Runge-Kutta methods, cont. (lab) 5.4
12/3 Semester wrap-up 5.4

Last modified: October 16, 2001