Mathematics 371 -- Numerical Analysis

September 26, 2001

An Aitken acceleration example.

The equation exp(x)-x-1 = 0 has a root of multiplicity

m = 2 at p = 0 (why?). If we use Newton-Raphson

iteration, by our results from class on Monday, we

get a linearly convergent sequence of approximations

to the root. Note the slow convergence:

> f:=x->exp(x)-x-1;

f := proc (x) options operator, arrow; exp(x)-x-1 e...

> x[0]:=1.0;

x[0] := 1.0

> for i to 10 do x[i]:=x[i-1]-f(x[i-1])/D(f)(x[i-1]); lprint(x[i]); end do:











After 10 iterations, the error is still about .1e-2 . If we take this sequence

and compute the Aitken-accelerated sequence:

xhat[i] = x[i]-(x[i+1]-x[i])^2/(x[i+1]-2*x[i+1]+x[i...

then the result is a sequence converging significantly faster to p = 0 .

> for i from 0 to 8 do xhat[i]:=x[i] - (x[i+1]-x[i])^2/(x[i+2]-2*x[i+1]+x[i]); lprint(xhat[i]); end do:










Note that xhat[8] is the last term in the Aitken sequence that we can

construct from the information computed above -- xhat[9] would

require knowledge of x[11], x[10], x[9] .