MATH 371 -- Numerical Analysis

October 15 -- Polynomial Interpolation, Cubic Spline Interpolation

For "nice" functions like cos( x ) on small intervals, we can see that

the error of interpolation -> 0 as n -> infinity . For instance, using the

bound abs(d^(n+1)*cos(x)/(dx^(n+1))) <= 1 , the following is an upper bound on the

interpolation error using the n th degree polynomial:

> CosErrorBound:=(n,x)->1/(n+1)!*product(abs(x-j/n),j=0..n);

CosErrorBound := proc (n, x) options operator, arro...

The larger n is, the smaller this error bound is:

> plot(CosErrorBound(5,x),x=0..1);

[Maple Plot]

> plot(CosErrorBound(10,x),x=0..1);

[Maple Plot]

> plot(CosErrorBound(20,x),x=0..1);

[Maple Plot]

Note the scales on the y- axes(!) If we plot the interpolating polynomial together with

cos( x ) on [0,1], the difference is already invisible with n = 5:

> with(CurveFitting):

> IP:=x->PolynomialInterpolation([seq(evalf(j/5),j=0..5)],[seq(evalf(cos(j/5)),j=0..5)],x);

IP := proc (x) options operator, arrow; :-CurveFitt...
IP := proc (x) options operator, arrow; :-CurveFitt...

> plot({IP(x),cos(x)},x=0..1);

[Maple Plot]

If the interval is not small, and/or the function is not "nice", then the

picture can be entirely different.

Next, let's try an interpolating polynomial for e^x , which is "nice" by almost

any criterion. BUT, let's use x = 1,2,3,4,5, so the interval is not so small.

There are n + 1 = 5 points, so n = 4:

> IP2:=x->PolynomialInterpolation([1.,2.,3.,4.,5.],[exp(1.),exp(2.),exp(3.),exp(4.),exp(5.)],x);

IP2 := proc (x) options operator, arrow; :-CurveFit...

To see how closely our interpolating polynomial matches the exponential function at other points we can either compute a few values:

> IP2(1.35); exp(1.35);



> IP2(1.62); exp(1.62);



Note the agreement is not so close any more!

The actual error versus the theoretical error bound for polynomial interpolation in this case,

using the upper bound M = e^5 for the 5th derivative of e^x on [1,5]:

> plot({abs(exp(x)-IP2(x)),abs((exp(5)/120)*(x-1)*(x-2)*(x-3)*(x-4)*(x-5))},x=1..5,y=0..5);

[Maple Plot]

In this case again, taking more interpolation points will help, though

> ExpErrorBound:=(n,x)->abs(exp(5)/(n+1)!*product(x-(1+4*(j/n)),j=0..n));

ExpErrorBound := proc (n, x) options operator, arro...

> plot(ExpErrorBound(10,x),x=1..5);

[Maple Plot]

And taking n -> infinity will make the error bound go to zero on the whole


Other shapes of graphs are just very difficult for polynomials to approximate

well . An example is graphs with horizontal asymptotes, if we take a large

interval. For instance, if we wanted to interpolate a function like:

f(x) = 1/(1+5*x^2)

> f:=x->1/(1+5*x^2);

f := proc (x) options operator, arrow; 1/(1+5*x^2) ...

> xlist:=n->[seq(evalf(-3+6*j/n),j=0..n)];

xlist := proc (n) options operator, arrow; [seq(eva...

> ylist:=n->map(f,xlist(n));

ylist := proc (n) options operator, arrow; map(f,xl...

> xlist(10);

[-3., -2.400000000, -1.800000000, -1.200000000, -.6...
[-3., -2.400000000, -1.800000000, -1.200000000, -.6...

> ylist(10);

[.2173913043e-1, .3355704698e-1, .5813953488e-1, .1...
[.2173913043e-1, .3355704698e-1, .5813953488e-1, .1...

> IP3:=n->PolynomialInterpolation(xlist(n),ylist(n),x);

IP3 := proc (n) options operator, arrow; :-CurveFit...

Here are the interpolating polynomials of degrees 4,8,12,16 plotted together with y = f( x ):

> plot({f(x),IP3(4)},x=-3..3);

[Maple Plot]

> plot({f(x),IP3(8)},x=-3..3);

[Maple Plot]

> plot({f(x),IP3(12)},x=-3..3);

[Maple Plot]

> plot({f(x),IP3(16)},x=-3..3);

[Maple Plot]


In fact, we can see that the error near the ends of the interval is growing with n,

not decreasing. The technical name for this phenomenon is `` polynomial wiggle ''.

One "way around" these problems is to use a different approach to interpolation.

Instead of trying to use a single polynomial of high degree to approximate a function

like this over a large interval, it certainly seems to be better to use a piecewise-polynomial

function -- one defined by different polynomial formulas on different segments of its

domain. One of the most popular choices here is to use ``cubic splines'' -- piecewise

cubic polynomial functions. We will see in class next time that there is enough freedom

in cubic polynomials to be able to construct a function S(x) defined by cubics

S[i](x) on [ x[i], x[i+1] ] for i = 0,1,2, ... , n-1, satisfying:

1) S[0](x[0]) = f(x[0]) , S[i-1](x[i]) = S[i](x[i]) = f( x[i] ) for i = 1, ..., n -1, and S[n-1](x[n]) = f(x[n])

so S(x) is a continuous function interpolating the points ( x[i], f(x[i]) ), i = 0, 1, ... , n,

2) S' ( x ) is continuous -- the derivative of S[i] at x[i+1] is the same as the derivative

of S[i+1] at x[i+1] for i = 0,1,..., n -2

3) S'' ( x ) is continuous -- the second derivative of S[i] at x[i+1] is the same as the

second derivative of S[i+1] at x[i+1] for i = 0,1,..., n -2, and

4) Either: S'' ( x[0] ) = 0 and S'' ( x[n] ) = 0 (``free or natural spline''), or

S' ( x[0] ) = a and S' ( x[n] ) = b for arbitrary a, b (``clamped spline'')

The CurveFitting package also contains a routine that computes free cubic splines. Here

is a first example, using the same function and the same interpolation points as in the

last examples. The output shows the piecewise cubics:

> IS:=x->Spline(xlist(10),ylist(10),x);

IS := proc (x) options operator, arrow; :-CurveFitt...

> plot({IS(x),f(x)},x=-3..3);

[Maple Plot]


Note that the results do not show the same kind of ``wiggle problems'' that the

high degree interpolating polynomials showed(!)