Mathematics 241, section 1 -- Multivariable Calculus

Review Sheet for Exam 1

September 20, 2013

General Information

The first exam for the course will be given Friday, September 27, as announced in the course syllabus. It will cover the material we have discussed in class (including the lab) through and including the material on tangent vectors and tangent lines to parametric curves (Problem Sets 1 - 3). The topics are:

  1. Coordinates in R3, subsets defined by coordinate equations, slices, etc.
  2. Vectors, the dot product, lengths and angles
  3. The cross product in R3
  4. Equations of lines and planes
  5. Parametric curves and motion (know how to parametrize any segment of the line through a given point with a given direction vector, any arc of the circle in the plane with a given center and radius, and any arc of an ellipse with given center, major and minor axes),
  6. Tangent vectors and tangent lines to parametric curves

There will be 4 or 5 problems, each with several parts. Some may ask for a graph or the result of a calculation; others may ask for a description or explanation of some phenomenon (similar to some questions from the lab).

I will happy to try to schedule a review session before the exam, but there are some constraints. Wednesday evening is not good for me because of the Chamber Orchestra concert. Thursday morning at 8:00am is a possibility(!)

Suggested Review Problems

From the text (in addition to the problems from the problem sets):

Sample Exam Questions

Disclaimer: The following questions indicate the range of topics that may be covered and the ``style'' of the questions I might ask. The actual exam questions may be posed differently and may combine the topics we have discussed in different ways. It will also be shorter.

I. Consider the set Q = {(x,y,z) in R3 : x2 - y2/4 - z2 = 1}.



IV. All parts of this problem refer to the parametric curve

α(t) = ((1+ cos(t))sin(t),-(1 + cos(t))cos(t))

(called a cardioid).