Mathematics 241, section 1 -- Multivariable Calculus

Review Sheet -- Exam 2

October 26, 2010

General Information

The second exam for the course will be given next Friday, November 5, as announced in the course syllabus. It will cover the material discussed in class since immediately before the first exam, through the material from class on Friday October 29:

This includes material from sections 2.4, 2.5, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 4.1. In the cases where a section includes material we have not discussed in class, though, you are not responsible for that.

There will again be 3 or 4 problems, each with several parts. Some may ask you to analyze a graph (e.g. for the result of a calculation; others may ask for a short description or explanation of some phenomenon (similar to the questions from Lab assignments).

I will be happy to schedule an problem session before the exam. (Is Wednesday afternoon or evening good?)

Suggested Practice Problems

From the text:

You should also review the problems from the labs and problem set on this material.

Practice Exam Questions

Note: The actual exam will be shorter than this, of course. The following questions show the range of different topics that might be included.

I. All parts of this problem refer to the vector field F(x,y) = (x,y2-1).

Note: In other problems dealing with flow lines, I might give you a Maple plot of a vector field and flow lines, and ask you to determine the types of critical points.

II. All parts of this question refer to the function f(x,y) defined by f(x,y) = x2 - 3 y2.

III. Sketch or describe each of the following sets and determine which of them are open, closed, or neither. If the set is open, show that that is true. If not, say why not.

IV. All parts of this question refer to the function defined by f(x,y) = (2x5+y4)/(x4 + y4) if (x,y) <> (0,0) and f(0,0) = 0
