Mathematics 241 -- Multivariable Calculus

Review Sheet for Exam 2

October 19, 2007

General Information

The second exam for the course will be given Friday, October 26, as announced in the course syllabus. It will cover the material we have discussed in class (including the labs) through and including the material on the del operator and divergence and curl of vector fields from from class on Friday, October 19. The topics are covered in sections 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 of the text. (But note that there is quite a bit more in the text than we have discussed in class. You are only responsible for things we have done in class.) Here's a breakdown by topic:

  1. The tangent plane to a graph z = f(x,y) at a point (x,y,z) = (a,b,f(a,b)) and how that relates to the concept of differentiability of f(x,y). Also, know the theorem that if f has continuous partial derivatives on some region, then f is differentiable on that region.
  2. The derivative matrix for F : Rn -> Rm.
  3. Higher order partial derivatives.
  4. The multivariable chain rule (both the matrix form and the component-by-component forms).
  5. Directional derivatives and the gradient.
  6. Tangent vectors and lines, arclength, the T,N,B vectors, curvature, and torsion for parametric curves in R3.
  7. Vector fields and flow lines. The gradient as a vector field.
  8. The del operator, divergence and curl for vector fields.

There will be 4 or 5 problems, each with several parts. Some may ask for a graph or the result of a calculation; others may ask for a description or explanation of some phenomenon (similar to some questions from labs).

Important Note

Scheduling a review session before the exam this time is going to be tricky: I have off-campus commitments Tuesday and Thursday evenings, and an exam for another class starting at 6:00pm on Wednesday. Earlier in the afternoon on Wednesday would be a possibility.

Suggested Review Problems

For practice, it would be a very good idea to try a few of the odd-numbered problems from all the sections of the text that we have covered. Here are some good ones:

Sample Exam Questions

Note: the actual exam will not be this long. Also, the actual exam questions may ask things in different ways and may involve examples with different properties.


II. Let f(x,y) = ex - y and g(s,t) = (s2 - t2, s t + 2t)

III. A mountain has the shape of the graph z = c - a x2 - b y2, where a,b,c are positive constants. Here x,y are the east-west and north-south map directions respectively, and z is the altitude above sea level.

IV. Let z = f(x,y), where f has continuous partial derivatives. If we change coordinates to polar coordinates x = r cos(θ), y = r sin(θ), show that the partial derivatives of z satisfy: (∂ z/∂ x)2 + (∂ z/∂ y)2 = (∂ z/∂ r)2 + (1/r2) (∂ z/∂ θ)2.

V. Let x(t) = (sin(3t), cos(3t), 2t3/2).

VI. Let F(x,y,z) = (yz, xz, xy) be a vector field on R3.