Dear MONT 109N Students, Attached is a marked-up version of your submitted paper 1 -- I used the "insert notes" feature of word to add comments, so you should see them to the right of your original text when you open the file. Please let me know if you are having difficulty reading the comments and I will try something else. As I announced in class, I'm giving everyone a follow-up assignment to rewrite this paper. The purposes of this are two-fold: 1) (less important) There were a number of papers that were still somewhat rough in terms of mechanics -- typos, awkward sentences, etc. Part (but only part) of what you do for the rewrite should be to fix any of those problems that I might have marked. 2) (more important) There was an aspect of Diamond's ideas that relatively few people mentioned. But I think it is really important both for understanding what happened in the examples of past collapses he gives and for evaluating whether his "cautious optimism" about the future is justified. That is the idea he discusses in the paragraphs on pages 523 and 524 beginning with "The other crucial choice illuminated by the past involves the courage to make painful decisions about values." I would like everyone, including those who mentioned this point, to consider it again and to try to address the following additional question(s) in your rewrites: First, exactly what does Diamond mean by "decisions about values?" What are some examples in the cases from the past we discussed? What questions of that sort might we be facing now? Then, if decisions about values are (perhaps especially) painful, does that affect your overall conclusion about whether we can learn from the past? In connection with this rewrite assignment, I am adjusting our semester schedule slightly: 1) Rewrites on paper 1 will be due Friday, March 18 (that's the week we return from Spring Break) 2) The midterm exam will be pushed back one week to Friday, March 25. Let me know if you have any questions. John Little