Jack McCauley This is a good start on the first writing assignment. You have done a good job, for the most part, on the "they say" part. The main things I think you need to get into this section that are not there already are some of the details each of the articles includes. (See comments below.) I have made a number of suggestions for rewording or rewriting things directly on a printout of the paper. Ask me what I meant if the markings are not clear. Comments: 1. What concerns? These are also definitely related to the points raised by Laskawy, so you might introduce more of the details here, then come back to those points when you discuss the other article. 2. It's unclear exactly what you mean by "business of farming." There are the individual farmers who are in that business to make a living. There are also the big "agribusiness companies" like Monsanto and Syngenta that develop the GMO crop varieties and lease them to the farmers to plant, while retaining ownership of the intellectual property represented by those crop varieties. Who is really being helped by GMOs, according to Tom Laskawy? PS: One of the main points of the Laskawy article is that increased resistance to pesticides and herbicides is negating the benefits of GMO crops. The interesting point here is that that resistance develops naturally through evolution. In effect, the genomes of the pests and the weeds are changing in response to our genetic modification of the crops. Some people compare the situation to an arms race where neither side can ever gain a decisive advantage.