Tess Conroy This is a good start on the first writing assignment. You have done a good job, for the most part, on the "they say" part. I have made a number of suggestions for rewording or rewriting things directly on a printout of the paper. Ask me what I meant if the markings are not clear. The main comment is that since you're using a quotation from the Greenbaum and Gerstein article in the first paragraph, I think you should introduce the title there. Then the opening sentence of the second paragraph could do more than just say what the title says. I would say that they are claiming that the name ``Frankenfoods'' is unfair and misleading because it is designed to produce an emotional reaction of fear based on the associations with ``Frankenstein.'' Comments: 1. ``Create the perfect crop'' is definitely too strong. And the rest of that sentence sounds an awful lot like an "I say" to me. After all, I wouldn't even say Laskawy is claiming that it is justified to fear them. His main point is that they haven't done what is claimed for them and they are only good for big agribusiness. 2. This is mainly due to increased resistance to pesticides and herbicides that develops naturally through evolution. In effect, the genomes of the pests and the weeds are changing in response to our genetic modification of the crops. Some people compare the situation to an arms race where neither side can ever gain a decisive advantage.