Planning for analyzing the data from our NWC carbon footprint audit Referring to the questions from the audit reporting form, and recalling that we will have data for each day in the week January 25 - January 31: (A) What would we like to know that we can determine from the audit data we have collected? (B) What additional information would we need to find out in order to answer the question(s) you identified in question A? (C) We asked everyone to fill out an individual reporting form for convenience, but that means Prof. Little will be getting over 100 of those individual spreadsheets as the raw form of our data. Some condensing and "massaging" of the data will probably be necessary in order to put this into a useful and convenient form. What would be the most useful data format to allow us to answer the questions you identified in question A? (Note: I think we should avoid looking data at the level of individuals and I think the condensed data should not contain any information attributable to an individual. Breaking down totals, averages, etc. by seminar are OK; totals, averages, etc. at the whole cluster level are also OK.)