Shanis Santos This is an excellent start on the first writing assignment. As I mentioned when you came to office hours last week, you have done a really good job on the "they say" part. I think you are well set up to provide your own point of view in response now. I have made a small number of suggestions for rewording or rewriting things directly on a printout of the paper. Ask me what I meant if the markings are not clear. Comment 1. I think that Laskawy is actually referring to a "theme issue" of Nature that dealt with issues related to GMOs. The opinions you are mentioning would be those expressed by the authors of the articles in that issue of Nature, not the opinions of the editors of Nature or the magazine itself. BTW, Nature is one of the most prestigious general science journals in the world--it's a really "big deal" to have an article published there! PS: One of the main points of the Laskawy article is that increased resistance to pesticides and herbicides is negating the benefits of GMO crops. The interesting point here is that that resistance develops naturally through evolution. In effect, the genomes of the pests and the weeds are changing in response to our genetic modification of the crops. Some people compare the situation to an arms race where neither side can ever gain a decisive advantage.