Ben Malgeri This is a good start on the first writing assignment. You have done a good job, for the most part, on the "they say" part. The major criticism I have is that you seem to have gotten into aspects of the "I say" phase prematurely. For example, see the comment at the bottom of the first page. Deciding which position is more credible is really part of responding to what the articles say, not part of summarizing what they actually said. This goes too for some of the points you made on page 2. I think you should try to go back and incorporate more of the details the two articles were including to back up their positions without taking a side either way at this point in the paper. Remember that this is the "They say" part. I have made a number of suggestions for rewording or rewriting things directly on a printout of the paper. Ask me what I meant if the markings are not clear. Comment: 1. Instead of saying "this is correct" here, you could just explain that no major change in the behavior of the graph is observable around 1996, so the introduction of GMO seeds did not have an immediate effect on yields. PS: One of the main points of the Laskawy article is that increased resistance to pesticides and herbicides is negating the benefits of GMO crops. The interesting point here is that that resistance develops naturally through evolution. In effect, the genomes of the pests and the weeds are changing in response to our genetic modification of the crops. Some people compare the situation to an arms race where neither side can ever gain a decisive advantage.