Carlie Magier This is a good start on the first writing assignment. You have done a good job, for the most part, on the "they say" part. However, for the next stage, you are going to want to combine the two short essays about the two articles into one introductory "They say" section. I think you may have misunderstood the assignment in a small way. The idea was not to write two separate essays, but rather to summarize both of the articles in one connected piece of prose and then add your "I say" section at the end. Please come and discuss this with me if it is not clear. I have made a number of suggestions for rewording or rewriting things directly on a printout of the paper. Ask me what I meant if the markings are not clear. Comments 1. Since you focused on the "all we got was ethanol and an unsustainable diet" quotation, you should explain what Laskawy is getting at there. The ethanol reference is to the fact that some relatively large percentage of the corn grown in this country goes to producing ethanol as a gasoline additive. This was originally done to reduce dependence on imported oil. But that is essentially a non-issue now, as we will see in the Chapter Project for Chapter 3 in our mathematical textbook. That corn is not used for food at all. The "unsustainable diet" part refers to the fact that a lot of the rest of the corn grown is used to feed beef cattle. This is a very inefficient use of the resource because the amount of corn it takes to produce a pound of beef contains far more energy than the meat itself. Plus Laskawy and others would argue that eating too much beef is not healthy for people anyway. We're over-consuming meat and not eating enough vegetables and fruits. You might use a fuller discussion of this to set up your response in the "I say" part. 2. What does "expanding pre-market value" mean? This is not clear. 3. Maybe it's not so much "advertising" literally, but rather efforts to change peoples' minds about the issue more generally. 4. This sounds dangerously like saying "the ends justify the means." Do you buy that? Again, this is something you could bring up in your "I say" part. PS: One of the main points of the Laskawy article is that increased resistance to pesticides and herbicides is negating the benefits of GMO crops. The interesting point here is that that resistance develops naturally through evolution. In effect, the genomes of the pests and the weeds are changing in response to our genetic modification of the crops. Some people compare the situation to an arms race where neither side can ever gain a decisive advantage.