Detailed Schedule -- MONT 105N, Analyzing Environmental Data

Spring 2020, Prof. Little

Note: All information on this page is still under development and subject to change.
The following day-by-day listing shows the planned topic for each day's class and the due dates of the larger individual assignments. There will also be group writeups from the group project days. The due dates for those will be announced when the assignments are made. This is a tentative, evolving schedule. Topics may be added, deleted, or rearranged during the course of the semester. Any changes will be announced in class and here. Note: Reading assignments labeled

Date Class Topic Reading
1/22 Course Introduction Start reading MDA, Chapter 9
1/24 Measures of the center of a dataset MDA, section 9.2
1/27 Measures of Spread and Distribution MDA, section 9.3
1/29 Chapter 9 project, start MDA, section 9.6
1/31 Chapter 9 project, continued -- Problem Set 1 due MDA, section 9.6
2/3 Outliers in data MDA, section 9.3, 9.4
2/5 Probabilities MDA, 2.4
2/7 Conditional probabilities -- Problem Set 2 due MDA, section 10.2
2/10 Independence of events MDA, section 10.2
2/12 More on understanding probabilities MDA, 10.2
2/14 Discussion of what we found in the "audit" data -- Problem Set 3 due B
2/17 Discrete distributions and pmfs
2/19 Expected value and variance MDA, 10.4
2/21 Probability densities -- Paper 1 due MDA, 10.5
2/24 Normal distributions MDA, 10.6
2/26 Z-scores and normal probabilities MDA, section 10.7
2/28 Spare day -- Problem Set 4 due; Journals collected MDA, section 10.9
3/2,4,6 Spring Break -- no class
3/9 Chapter 10 Project MDA, section 10.9
3/11 Chapter 10 Project, continued MDA, section 10.9
3/13 Midterm Exam Topics and format TBA
3/16 Models of sampling MDA, section 11.2
3/18 Sampling from normal populations MDA, section 11.3
3/20 More on sampling from normal populations -- Problem Set 5 due MDA, section 11.3
3/23 Central Limit Theorem MDA, section 11.4
3/25 The chi-square distributions (an overview) MDA, section 11.5
3/27 Hypothesis Tests -- Problem Set 6 due MDA, sections 12.1, 12.2
3/30 Tests for means and proportions MDA, section 12.3
4/1 p-values and hypothesis tests MDA, section 12.4
4/3 Chi-square tests for model fit and independence -- Problem set 7 due MDA, section 12.6
4/6 Chapter 12 Project MDA, section 12.8
4/8 Chapter 12 Project, cont. -- Paper 2 due
4/10, 13 Easter Break -- No Class
4/15 Work on final projects Reading to be posted on course homepage
4/17 Work on final projects
4/20 Work on final projects
4/22 No Class--Academic Conference
4/24 TBD
4/27 TBD
4/29 TBD
5/1 TBD
5/4 Semester wrap-up -- Final project papers due

There will be no Final Exam for this course; it is replaced by the final project

Last modified: January 8, 2020