David Mendoza -- No Title Best wishes for your writing plans in the future and I'm glad that Pan's Labyrinth provided some ideas (some "spice") for you to work with. It seems as though this idea: "Her imagination contaminated her reality up to the point where she could not longer distinguished reality from her fantasies. In the end, the seed that is to be taken from this tree is the idea of allowing what appears to be harmless for the protagonist to grow to become a deadly disease that leeches onto to them." is the main one you have taken from the film. (Small point: "distinguished" should be "distinguish.") But is that really what happens? I think it's more the case that she uses the fantasies to survive as long as she can. But then the reality of the world (especially the cruelty of Captain Vidal) breaks in and kills here. I don't think she would have been more powerful if she did not have the fantasies. She would just be a scared young girl without the idea that she was the lost princess. Other comments: "A movie through different lenses are often interpreted as the limit of e to the power of x approaches infinity." > Really?? I can guess what you meant, but this is too strange by itself. Did you mean to say there are exponentially many different lenses one might use to try to understand and interpret movies?? I would agree with that! "For instance, the decision between killing her newborn brother to inherit royalty or missing out on royalty and when she was told not to eat anything within a chamber but only to carry out her mission in order to retrieve an item." > You must be tired of hearing this by now, but this is NOT A COMPLETE SENTENCE. There is no verb. "in order to proof" > should be "in order to prove" "Although this may seem cruel, but it brings up that when anyone tells someone to not do a certain action the person is more inclined to do the forbidden action." > You don't want the "but" and it would be better to say something like " ... it brings up the fact that when anyone tells someone not to do certain action" then insert a comma, then continue. "Despite being a stereotype at first glance many might not think of this because the viewer has been lured by the outcome of her situation for disobeying orders from the faun." > I cannot tell what you meant here. Content: B+ Mechanics: B+