Jack Katarincic -- "Walking Still: Rompiendo Barriers y Building Puentes" I'm glad that you had a chance to see the "Uni2act" play at the start of the Academic Conference and it is great that you chose to write about it. I was there too and the presentation was definitely thought-provoking and emotionally-charged. I was very impressed and proud that students (a few of whom I knew from classes) could put themselves "on the line" that way before so many other students and faculty members. The main place I disagree a bit with your essay is that I think there always will be some of these borders. You say they shouldn't exist "just because of [people's] culture or where they come from." But I don't know if that is desirable or even possible. After all, the differences of where people come from and what culture they grow up in are big parts of who they are, and of what makes them unique as human beings. Given that there will always be differences in the backgrounds of people who come to colleges, it seems to me that the question becomes, how can we keep those differences from creating tensions and disputes between us? How can we transcend them to create a community that values all of its members? To me that comes down to trying to cultivate an atmosphere on campus where differences are valued and celebrated rather than used to create barriers between different groups of students. But as I think you realize now, that's easier said than done, especially at a school that comes out of a deeply conservative tradition that (mostly in the past) tried to produce or enforce uniformity more than it celebrated difference. Content: A Mechanics: A