Cody Wilkinson -- A Metamorphosis of One's Own While your metamorphosis is fine and quite well-written, it is essentially exactly the same story about the death of Hercules that is a standard Greek myth. The story is included, for instance, in Ovid's Metamorphoses in Book IX (starting on page 293 in the Mandelbaum translation). I say "essentially" because there are a few details in your story that do not match the standard version, so it's not completely the same. For instance, in the usual versions, the tunic that Deianira gives to Hercules to kill him is soaked in the venom of the Hydra (one of the beasts Hercules had killed in his labors), not in the blood of the Centaur Nessus. So I don't think you have really followed the instructions of the assignment (at least not the way that I intended for you to follow them!) The idea was to think up a transformation story of your own that would NOT follow anything in Ovid this closely, then come up with a rationale and explanation of what you were trying to do. The low grade in the "Content" part is a reflection of the fact that you were following Ovid (or other actual Greek myths) too closely and not using your imagination to come up with your own story. Please come and talk to me about this if you want to discuss it. Content: C Mechanics: A