Juliana Surratt -- The Song of the Siren Very imaginative story/poem! Centering the story around a Siren who has metamorphosed into a something like a modern singer/musician, but who retains the capacity to destroy men, such as the character Ovid, who still have the ability to hear her song as it originally sounded, is a clever idea. And you carry this off very well, for the most part. Writing the story as an actual poem was a courageous choice. The decision to use a lot of rhyming couplets might not have been the best one, though, because I think you might have felt forced into using a few rather "flat" and hackneyed rhymes ("day - May") and a few that are just slightly strange ("Ovid - quid"). That's OK though; I applaud your daring. The one slip I saw was that you seem to be confused about the noun form of the verb "metamorphose" -- it's "metamorphosis." The Siren "metamorphoses" but the process she undergoes is a "metamorphosis." Content: A Mechanics: A