Liam O'Toole -- The Story of "Buffalo Bill" Cody This is generally excellent work. The transformation in your story really works because of the way you have tied the character of Cody as a man to what he becomes as a result of the intervention of the Spirit. The only (small) criticism I have is that the "epic diction" is kind of self-conscious here. I think it would have been even better to say things in a less old-fashioned, more direct way most of the time. For example, you have Cody say: "Such a successful hunt I’ve had, but there’s always room for more! Let us move forward, meet this foe head on, and return victorious, cloaked in the hide of this inferior beast!" But that sounds more like a traditional translation of Homer than what a 19th century hunter might say. It sounds a bit out of character to me. I think you could have said this more simply and realistically, something like: "We've killed so many buffalo already, but there's always room for more! I want another shaggy hide as a trophy!" Your analysis of the transformation story is excellent. Content: A Mechanics: A