Katie Lovell -- Trump and Putin The ideas of transforming Trump ("the Donald") into a bull (literally a "bull in a china shop?") without a way to tweet out his pronouncements and having Putin as the agent of the transformation are very humorous and apt. The transformation emphasizes one of the sets of characteristics he has -- his impulsiveness and lack of control -- while denying him another characteristic -- his need to monopolize the national conversation his constant tweeting and public pronouncements. But there are a few details that don't quite fit and others that I thought might be brought out in more detail to make the story even more pointedly satirical: (1) Trying to link Washington, D.C. and Moscow by the currents of the ocean is a nice idea, but it doesn't really work geographically because Moscow is located so far into the interior of the Eurasian continent. (2) In the second paragraph, you say "the Donald" is "erotic" but it's not clear exactly what you mean by that. Did you mean to refer to his old bragging about his sexual conquests and his appeal to women? Some additional explanation there would have helped! (3) In the second paragraph, you also say "the oval was not enough." Did you mean the Oval Office? (And BTW, I think White House is also typically capitalized when you refer to the President's mansion in Washington, D.C.) (4) You say "the Donald" is Putin's "orange puppet" but then describe the ways he seems to be becoming more independent and troublesome. It would be clearer if you said something like: "Putin had thought of "the Donald" as just an orange puppet, but now he seemed to be getting out of his control." (5) You say Putin has "the hubris of a nation to worry about," but it's not exactly clear what you mean by that. Does this also refer to "the Donald" getting out of hand? If so, it's not really the hubris of a nation. Or did you somehow want to refer to Putin's need to control Russia as well? Content: A- Mechanics: A