Michaela Fleming -- Metamorphoses The metamorphosis stories in Ovid might seem strange and almost "random" to us, but when you look at them carefully, it turns out that they (and the myths they are based on) always have a sort of internal logic. The change almost always comes as either a reward or a punishment for something the "metamorphosee" has done, or sometimes for something they are. In addition, the agent of the metamorphosis is always a god--an agent who has a well-defined and established power to effect the transformation. Setting the metamorphosis story in the Hunger Games universe was a reasonable choice, I think. The way Snow rules as a dictator and the rather immense powers of the game-makers and peace-keepers under his control make his power essentially equivalent to that of one of the gods in Ovid's stories. And the transformation of Peeta into a mouse that Katniss cannot stand to be around is a striking and effective punishment for him (effective from Snow's point of view, that is). (The last scene of her sweeping him out of the house with a broom is good!) It is also a strong echo of the capricious and destructive ways the gods can interact with humans in the Greek and Roman myths. There are a few details that don't quite fit, though. I'm being very literal here, but I think it's important to try to make your story fit into the world you have chosen as closely as it can: (1) I think Katniss was supposed to have brown hair and a darker complexion, not blonde hair (i.e. not like Jennifer Lawrence's natural hair color). (2) The conversation: “If the final two tributes are you and me, I will die so you can survive, Katniss.” Katniss whispered back: “No, Peeta, we will not both die and let the President win." This doesn't really make sense, unless you meant, "we will both live and we will not let the President win" (that is, the "not" has to apply to both the "die" and the "let the President win"). Is that what you were thinking? It did not quite come out right, if so. (3) Since you have Snow say that he needs to act quickly and prevent Katniss and Peeta from both entering the Games a *second time*, this is presumably happening after the 74th Hunger Games and before the reaping for the 75th Games -- maybe right after the Victory Tour(?) But then why are Katniss and Peeta training? They wouldn't be planning to "enter" the Games in any case, unless they were thinking of volunteering. (They also presumably don't know about the reaping from the pool of living victors for the Quarter Quell 75th Games because that's only decided later by Snow and Plutarch Heavensbee.) That they would be planning to volunteer seems unlikely given Katniss's mental state after her first experience in the Games (see the start of "Catching Fire"). (4) Similarly, I'm not sure I understand how Katniss's declaration to Snow that she and Peeta will both win the Games fits into the situations and the timeline established by the books and/or movies. Which Games are we talking about? How have they both been chosen to represent District 12? A couple of smaller points: (1) The noun form is spelled "metamorphosis." "Metamorphoses" is either the plural of the noun or one part of the verb "to metamorphose" (i.e. undergo a metamorphosis). (2) The last sentence of the commentary -- should be "to" instead of "too" (3) The writing here is very simple and that makes it sound almost as if the story is aimed at children. I think you could have tried for some more complexity and depth. Content: B+ Mechanics: B+