Victoria Pierce -- Othello Paper Your analysis of the differences and connections between the Shakespeare play and the Sanlikol opera is very good. I think you see pretty clearly that the Sanlikol opera's plot is related to the Shakespeare plot by a series of substitutions or reversals in the Venice-Turkey relationship, or in the basic traits of characters or the relationships between characters, that all have the effect of shining a light on those relationships "from the other side," so to speak. You mention some of these, but it goes even deeper if you think about it. For instance: Shakespeare Sanlikol Venice's "colony" on Cyprus is Turkey's "colony" on Cyprus potentially under attack by Turkey is potentially under attack by Venice Othello is a black Moorish warrior Sumbul is a black eunuch for Venice who tries to negotiate peace for Turkey Desdemona is daughter of a senator Suzan is a slave Iago is motivated mostly by hate Frenk Mustafa is motivated for Othello (and Cassio) mostly by love for Suzan There are several other substitutions or reversals of this type too. A couple of details: (1) Only Act I of the play takes place in Venice, while the action moves to Cyprus after that. You're right that the whole opera is supposed to take place in Turkey (in the coffee-house where the story is acted out for the customers in the audience). (2) You say, "Iago compares Othello to a horse and says that people will nay at him." The first part of this is correct, but look back at line 126 in Act I, scene 1. You'll see that Iago is actually saying something even cruder, namely that because the "horse" Othello is having sex with Desdemona, their children will be part horse too and "neigh" to their grandfather, Brabantio, instead of speaking as humans(!) Grade: (88) B+