Rosamund Mitchell -- Change in Perspective Your analysis of the relations between Sanlikol opera and the Shakespeare play is excellent. Saying that the opera is a "mirror image" of the play is a nice way to describe the relationship. You could also say the underlying "maneuver" is one of substitutions or reversals in the Venice-Turkey relationship, or in the basic traits of characters or the relationships between characters, that all have the effect of shining a light on those relationships "from the other side," so to speak. For instance: Shakespeare Sanlikol Venice's "colony" on Cyprus is Turkey's "colony" on Cyprus potentially under attack by Turkey is potentially under attack by Venice Othello is a black Moorish warrior Sumbul is a black eunuch for Venice who tries to negotiate peace for Turkey Desdemona is daughter of a senator Suzan is a slave Iago is motivated mostly by hate Frenk Mustapha is motivated for Othello (and Cassio) mostly by love for Suzan There are several other substitutions or reversals of this type too. You basically say all of this, of course. I just think it's interesting to see the extent to which this pattern is carried out at lots of different levels. Grade: (95) A