Jack Katarincic -- The Maneuver This is mostly good and I think you have caught the idea of "inversion" pretty well. But it even goes deeper than the examples you discuss. The Sanlikol opera's plot is related to the Shakespeare plot by a whole series of substitutions or reversals in the Venice-Turkey relationship, or in the basic traits of characters or the relationships between characters, that all have the effect of shining a light on those relationships "from the other side," so to speak. For instance: Shakespeare Sanlikol Venice's "colony" on Cyprus is Turkey's "colony" on Cyprus potentially under attack by Turkey is potentially under attack by Venice Othello is a black Moorish warrior Sumbul is a black eunuch for Venice who tries to negotiate peace for Turkey Desdemona is daughter of a senator Suzan is a slave Iago is motivated mostly by hate Frenk Mustafa is motivated for Othello (and Cassio) mostly by love for Suzan There are several other substitutions or reversals of this type too. There are also a few details you got wrong here. First, Suzan is not supposed to be a black woman. She is actually supposed to be Italian. So the reversals between the pairs Othello-Desdemona and Sumbul-Suzan are more about the status of the woman in the pair, and also about the arena in which the power of the man is expressed: Othello is a super-manly warrior, while Sumbul is a eunuch--probably a rather effeminate man. But he is also a courtier who has has a lot of trust and influence (he can be trusted around the sultan's harem, for instance, because he cannot have normal sexual relations with the sultan's wives) and gets sent on diplomatic missions for the sultan. Second, the action of the Shakespeare play does not take place only in Venice. That is only Act I. Remember that the rest of the action after that takes place on the island of Cyprus. Finally, please spend a bit more time proofreading your papers in the future. Sentences like "But what I think is most important is the fact that the Otheelo in the Seraglion story is the opposite of Othello." (on page 3) detract from the impression your writing could make. Grade: 88 (B+)